Pozrite sa kniha: Mac Snow Sphere nastaviť make-up pozrieť sa s smokin ‘shimmery taupe vies

pomocou snow snow snow guľôčky s dymovým zlatom z MAC Holiday Collection.
Pozrite sa na knihu! Toto je prvé v novej sérii make-up vyzerať články Budem robiť to, že bude typ podobných tvárí dňa, ktoré sú ako, “tu, pozrite sa na môj make-up,” okrem nie. Budú otvorené oblasti vyskúšať rôzne make-up vyzerá, pretože som bol v ruke za posledné dva roky, rovnako ako sa chcem dostať von. Často sa dostanem do techniky. K dispozícii bude rýchly komentár na výrobky. zábavné veci.

Absolútne som išiel do tohto vzhľadu, verím, že urobil niečo mimo mojej komfortnej zóny, rovnako ako som sa dokonca poskytol jeden z tých predhry Hovorí, ako “Karen, budete sa tlačiť! Urobíte niečo cray! ” – Stále som však skončil absolútne pobyt v mojom jazdnom pruhu s týmito dymovými vekami TAUPE, rovnako ako lesklé nahé pery.

Le. Povzdych. Ani nechápem, prečo bojujem s tým … skončím robiť tieto jemné dymové vyzerá ako 99% času, po celú dobu. Je to môj kormietok, muž!


Smokin ‘shimmery taupe
Lesklé nahé pery s posypením iskru

Pre tento vzhľad som využil niekoľko súprav z novej zberu Dovolenkovania Mac Sneh Snow Snow Belgical s niektorými produktmi z Dlhodobého riadku Mac. Čokoľvek, čo som využil, je uvedený nižšie, ako aj ak máte akýkoľvek typ obáv o vzhľad, alebo súpravy, alebo niečo vôbec, len opýtajte. Dovoľte mi pochopiť v komentároch. Som tu pre ya!

Mac snehová guľa oko vrecúška / dymové zlato; Mac Snow guľa Tiny pery Set / Nude; Mac Snow Sphere Mascara Kit
Mac Snehová guľa čistá Set / Basic; Mac Snehová guľa čistá súprava / pokročilá; MAC SNOW SPHERE CLEAR SET / MINI
Vyvarená zhora z hornej časti očných tiel, rovnako ako vložka z MAC SNOW SPHERE Očné tašky / Smoky Gold, rovnako ako lesklé z Mac Snow guľa Tiny REP SET / NUDE
Rovnaký vzhľad, avšak s mrazivým perom pre ďalšiu zábavu …
Niektoré rýchle poznámky …

Tohtoročný Mac Holiday Le Bykly sú dosť odvážení

Urobil som tento celý pohľad z začiatku povrchu, ktorý využíva len le dovolenkové kefy zo snehovej gule, rovnako ako aké veľké prekvapenie! Vždy som nemal veľa šťastia s Mac’s Dovolenkové kefy. Rovnako ako “pokračujte opatrne!” Vzhľadom k tomu, že hoci sa zdajú byť ako veľa, často boli HELLA škrabance (a netrvajú dlho), avšak oko, rovnako ako riešiť kefy v tohtoročných súpravách sú dosť mäkké, rovnako ako metóda oveľa lepšia ako roky .


Mačky a make-up mikiny?

42 dolárov

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Väčšina čistých hláv je na väčšej strane, ktorú predpokladám, že vám pomôže aplikovať veľké ponuky farieb rýchlo, avšak, keď ich využijem, objavím sa, že chcem, aby hlava boli menšie, rovnako ako oveľa presnejšie od môjho polo- oko izbové oko (mám rád menšie očné kefy). Tieto dovolenkové kefy ako skúmanie farby navyše, než som normálne chcem ísť.

(Aj keď je to práca, aj keď. Uložím štetiny, aby sa čistá hlava menšia.)

Celkovo tieto kefy nie sú zlé. V skutočnosti, verím, že sú celkom dobré.

Produkty v Mac Smoky Gold Eye Bag Set môže absolútne zavesiť Satin Taupe

Bol som naozaj extatický o dvoch očných očných očných očných očných očných sáčkov – Peachy Nude Just Leskling, ako aj strieborné teplé Taupe SnowDUSK – rovnako ako o tom, že som si uvedomil, že vyzerajú ako Mac Satin Taupe, starý tradičný termín, keď sú zmiešané. Ak ste fanúšikom saténu taupe, nenechajte si ujsť túto oko sáčku. A tiež Eagle-Eyed Mac Maven mohlo pozorovať, že TechNAKOHL vložka v tejto súprave má staré školské balenie s čiernym ceruzkom.

Dostali sme mostíkové okolnosti mäkkého krídla v Mac Snow Sphere Mascara Kit

Len niečo, čo si poznamenať, že sa vám páči mäkké odstránenie obočie gély. V súši Mascara je jeden. Žiadna kríza!

Make-up Používam v tomto vzhľade


Mac Snow Snow Sphere Očné Taška / Smoky Gold Eyeshadows v Just Leskling (vnútorné veko), ako aj SnowDUSK (vonkajšie veko),

TechnoAKOHL vložka vo fotokrave (lash, ako aj vodné linky, ako aj vonkajšia tretina veka), v extrémnom rozmere Lash Mascara (Lashes)

Mac Constructivist Maľba hrniec (základňa)

Mac nos póza / krémová farba základňa x 2 (hnedý odtieň v záhyboch)


Snehová guľa Tiny REP SET / NOTUE CREEMSHEEN ROZDELENIE POTREBUJE NUME ZAMESTNANIE AKO WINTERTIME FREEPER (zmiešané spolu pre nahé pery), ako aj ľadovec nad vamplify (pre mrazivý pery)


Mac Melba červenať


CHANTECAILLE zvýšil de Mai s olejom (na zvlhčovanie, ako aj prep)

Mestský rozpad Metropolitan Defense Cink Tone Primer (líca, čelo, nos)

Mac Studio Repair Fluid Foundation v NC42 zmiešané s MAC Strobe Cream v Pinklite (po celej mah tvár)

Mac matchmaster korektor v odtieňoch 4, ako aj 6 (pod očami)

Sephora budúce gélové sérum korektor v pekanskom koláči (líca) \ t

Mac mineralizuje Skinfinish Natural v médiu Golden (na moje čeloako nos)



Snehová guľa čistá súprava / pokročilý

Snehová guľa čistá sada / mini


To je všetko! Súpravy s snehovými guľami Mac sú obmedzené vydanie, BTW, rovnako ako všetko je na počítadlách, ako aj na internete. Ak máte akýkoľvek druh otázok, udrel ma v komentároch. Som rád, že som pomohol.

Vaša priateľská výzva na odvolanie komunity,


The MAC Liquidlast Liners Are Back (Remember These?)

MAC naked Bond, Late Night, Coco Bar, keep It Currant, rich & Robust, Blue Me Over, wet Road, and Misty Me
Pretty sure I discussed this the other day, but yeah, my lids are getting progressively much more hooded every day. I think it’s just a getting older thing, but now I appreciate long-lasting liners like the MAC Liquidlasts THAT much MORE, because if you’ve got a hooded lid situation, finding a liner that doesn’t transfer up into your crease can be harder than finding a chupacabra unicorn.

Enter the MAC Liquidlast Liners. They’re long-lasting and water-resistant.


MAC naked Bond, Late Night, Coco Bar, keep It Currant, rich & Robust, Blue Me Over, wet Road, and Misty Me
A bunch of them that just arrived at MAC counters and the MAC site ($21 each), but you might remember them from back in the day. The Liquidlast Liners used to be part of the permanent collection. then they went away, but now they’re back in nine shades, many of which are permanent.

The only LE colors are matte purple rich & Robust, which I friggin’ love (GAH!) and shiny teal Blue Me Over.

Rich & Robust
To someone just passing by a MAC counter, they look a little like lip glosses, at least until you open them up and see the skinny, fine-tipped brush.


Mačky a make-up mikiny?

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That brush, though? T-r-i-c-k-y to use.

It helps to unload practically all of the liner from the brush first.
The first time I used these years and years ago, I wan’t crazy about ’em because of the brush, but now I think I just didn’t know how to use it. I think I might know how now.

What I wasn’t doing then was unloading the brush enough before bringing it to my lids. now I run the brush against the inside of the lip of the tube a bunch of times to get rid of the excess.

Rich & robust on my upper lash lines. I’m also wearing MAC kid and Uninterrupted Eye shadows on my lids, and Powersurge liner on my lower lash line. The blush is Melon Pink from the MAC Padma collection, and my lipstick is Mittai Pink (worn as a stain), also from MAC Padma.

After that, I pull out my trusty magnifying mirror (this one from Tweezerman) so I can see exactly what I’m doing, and I hold the brush parallel to my lash line. then I press it once against my skin, relocation it over a little bit, press it down again, relocation it over, etc., and I keep doing that until I make my way all the way across my lash line. (I typically start from the inner part and relocation to the other part.)

This way I get a really thin, crisp, clean line without any wobbly edges.

My favorite shade at the moment is rich & Robust, a pigmented matte purple that I really like with my brown eyes, but I bet it looks just as good with blue eyes, green eyes and hazel eyes, too.

The Liquidlasts dry rapidly (30 seconds), so you better relocation fast. The flip side of this is that you won’t be sitting there with your eye closed while you wait for your liner to dry.

Eyeballz! That’s the shade wet Road.
Wearing wet road on my upper lash lines and naked Bond on my lower lash lines. earrings from connorclaire.com.


They’re water-resistant and rub-resistant (not that I ever rub at my eyes. Nope. Never!), so you’ll need an oil-based remover to take them off. I use the Clinique Take The Day Off makeup Remover, which works terrific for me.

Vaše priateľské kúzlo kúzlo,


Zanechajte komentár pre šancu vyhrať $ 50 sephora e-darčeková karta! (Končí pondelok)

** The Giveaway je zatvorené **
Táto prezradí je uzavretá a víťaz bol kontaktovaný (gratulujeme, Rae !!!), ale skontrolujte, či sa vrátim na ďalšiu sobotu pre ďalšie prezradí.

Dobré ráno, Buddy. Ako to ide’? Čo je to 4-1-1? Pre mňa je to pôrodné triedy. Dnes El Hub a ja mám časť dvoch z našich pôrodných tried, kde sa učím všetky druhy zaujímavých vecí o celom procese práce, ako napríklad časové kontrakcie (zrejme, je tu aplikácia pre to), ako dýchať, a Celkové načasovanie vecí, ako v tom, kedy dostať moje cez noc zdravotnícke zariadenie “Go taška,” kričať ” do el hub a pomlčka von.

Očakáva sa, že naše dodávky zdravotnícke zariadenie bude KAISER v San Franciscu, čo je asi 35 míľ ďaleko, takže prsty prešli, že nebudeme dodávať dievčatko v Mazda na diaľnici 101, lol!


Anywho, trieda je veľmi zaujímavá (nosila som gwen stefani červenať paletu). Pomáha mi to budovať moju dôveru, ktorá mi pomáha zostať pokoj. Ah …

Iné ako to, je to stále el niño počasie tu, takže je to drzzly a zamračené … ale aspoň to nie je nalievanie dažďa najlepšie, yay!


Veľa šťastia v prezradí! Čitateľ Nicole sa dostal toner a niektoré freebies potom, čo vyhrala.


Mačky a make-up mikiny?

42 dolárov

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Jedna (1) SEPHORA EGIFT CARD vrátane $ 50 odoslaná do víťaza e-mailom (International Readers, môžete sa rozhodnúť, že dostanete $ 50 odoslané paypal namiesto toho).

Zadajte nižšie uvedený komentár.

Otvorené pre USA a medzinárodných čitateľov.

Mali by ste byť 18 alebo viac, aby ste vstúpili (alebo inak dospelili na základe vašich miestnych zákonov).

Váš komentár môže byť o čomkoľvek vôbec, ale tu sú nejaké nápady, ak ste uviazli:

Za predpokladu, že máte jednu, aké je vaše obľúbené modré očné tiene?

Čo si myslíte, keď počujete slovo “luxus”?

Kedy ste naposledy odišli?

Posledná kniha, ktorú ste doslova (OK, obrazne) nemohol odložiť?

Niečo, čo si hrdý?

Aký je váš obľúbený zdravý občerstvenie?

Jeden vstup na osobu.

Ak chcete vyhrať, mali by ste použiť platnú e-mailovú adresu.

The Giveaway končí v pondelok 11. januára 2016 o 11:59 pm (Tichomorie čas).

Vaše priateľské kúzlo kúzlo,


Noir Antonym Kozmetika Voda Odolná očná ceruzka rýchlo drží svoje vlastné proti Chanelu 88 noir intenzívne

dlhotrvajúci, smudgy, ako aj hladký.
Eureka! Objavil ešte jednu legendárnu vložku na úzkosting, ako aj to je takmer – takmer – ako legendárny ako Chanel 88 noir intenzívny.

OH, rovnako ako to stojí o 40% menej (19 USD vs $ 33).


Je to $ 19 Antonym Cosmetics Noir Water Odolná očná ceruzka, rovnako ako jediný dôvod, prečo nemôžem úplne otočiť späť na Chanel 88 noir intenzívny je, pretože som stále rád 88’s Skinny Twist-up Tip. Verím, že je to oveľa lepšie, keď sa tam dostanem medzi korčuľovými kordmi ako Antonym Tip, ale je to možné, pokiaľ držím špičku ostrý.

Je to coo ‘.

Keď sú vaše vlasy cray, ale len idete s ním … Používam NOIR Antonymom na vodných linkách, ako aj horných lúčoch, BTW.
Našťastie, ceruzka zahŕňa vlastnú ostrova, ktorá je za to vhodná.


Mačky a make-up mikiny?

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NOIR ANTONAMI JE MATTE, VODY VODIČNÝ, AKO BLACKU – TAKRIVESTNÁ BLACKU – Takže v ňom nie je modrá, sivá alebo ekologická. Verím, že je to len asi tak tmavé ako Chanel 88 noir intenzívny. Keď je to lisované na základni mojich rias na mojom vodnom potrubí, moja lashová posteľ vyzerá hustá, rovnako ako super hustá, ako som šport, ktorý som na mnohých ďalších rias, som naozaj som.

Je to tiež dlho trvalý na vodných linkách. Dostal som skvelých osem hodín bez akéhokoľvek typu vyblednutia … po jeho množstvách. * Po nastavení * je tu kľúčom, pretože to trvá, kým sa úplne nastaví.

Takže aj to súpravy v dvoch fázach. Trvá to 2-3 minúty na to, aby na prvý suchý (počas ktorého čas je mäkký, rovnako ako smudgy ako Mac oko Kohl, takže máte čas hrať), rovnako ako ešte jednu 20 minút, alebo tak pre to úplne suché dole. V podstate, keď ho aplikujem na môj vodný riadok, dostanem trochu trochu prenosu na moju spodnú šnúru na približne 20 minút, ale ja som to len vyčistiť s Q-Tip.

Ale keď 20 minút skončí, to sa už nepohybuje. VÔBEC.

Rovnako som ho využil na linku mojej hornej hornej lúky, ako aj tak dlho, ako som, aby som mu poskytol čas na nastavenie, to sa nevzťahuje do mojej záhyby.


Ak čierna nie je tvoja vec, je to tiež k dispozícii v hnedej (čo sa nakoniec skúsim raz, pretože som taký, ako je táto ceruzka, toľko). Môžete ju objaviť na Sephora, ako aj online.

Vaša priateľská komunitná krása,


The NARS 413 BLKR Cheek & Lip palette

wearing the new $59 NARS 413 BLKR Cheek & Lip Palette
Another beautiful day, another beautiful NARS cheek palette.

Whoops! I misspoke. I implied to say, “another beautiful NARS cheek and lip palette,” because the new NARS 413 BLKR Cheek & Lip palette doesn’t only include blushes. It also comes with a beautiful matte lip pencil.


So what is heck is a 413 BLKR? Is it a secret pager code, or the code to a hidden door at NARS headquarters, where if you type it on the keypad, François Nars answers the door and says, “Bonjour ma chère! have a macaron, and let me do your makeup, you beautiful girl”?

Um…no, although that would be dope, wouldn’t it?

413 BLKR is the physical address of the NARS flagship store in new York, and it’s also the name of a special collection of NARS products inspired by new York.


Mačky a make-up mikiny?

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The $59 NARS 413 BLKR Cheek & Lip Palette
The NARS 413 BLKR Cheek & Lip palette also includes three brand new cheek colors and, if you have a thing for rosy, plummy tones, you just might freak out. but in a good way.

Starting from the left, there’s a light opalescent pinky rose blush that can also double as a highlighter on darker skin tones, then a mid-toned satiny rose with hints of plum and gold, then a satiny deep plum, and finally, on the far best — sigh! — good old golden tan Laguna. Because, obvs, it just wouldn’t be a NARS blush palette without Laguna up in the mix…

Side note: The cheek powders in this palette have that conventional NARS powder formula, unlike the formula of the powders in the Dual-Intensity palette I evaluated yesterday.

So these blushes aren’t as compressed into their pans as those dual intensity Blushes, and you ought to see much more powder particles partying (moving) when you swipe your brush atop the pans.

As you know, Laguna has been around because the Cretaceous period (can anybody even remember a time before Laguna?), and the 413 BLKR velvet Matte Lip Pencil has been kickin’ it old-school because 2012, so the fresh and sunny rose and plum blushes are the new recruits.

If you wear numerous rosy purples, plums or cooler-toned hot pink lip colors, these cheek colors ought to go really well with any of them. I bet you’d get a lot of mileage out of this palette.

Oh, and these blushes have much more of a sheen than a sparkle. Some NARS powder blushes…man, they completely opt for it with the glitter, ya know? but these don’t. They’re much more luminous than frosty. The finishes are very flattering.

The palette, by the way, is limited edition, but you don’t have to go to nyc to get it. It’s available now exclusively at NARS boutiques and the NARS website.

Sansa Fierce and Snapchat

Spoilers ahead!!! stop reading best now if you haven’t seen last Sunday’s game of Thrones yet (and you still want to).

*** I imply IT ***


GIRL, I can’t even with the most recent episode. I. CAN’T. EVEN.

I finally caught up and viewed it last night, and I promise to gawd, I had to like…You know that thing little kids do when they cover their eyes, but they still peek out of the little spaces between their fingers?

Urobil som to.

The whole time, I was sure things weren’t going to go well for #TeamStark, so I was absolutely SHOCKED when hottie-patottie Jon Snow climbed his way out of that mountain of bodies, and then my girl Sansa Fierce showed up with her backup army!

Couldn’t include myself.

After the episode I turned to El Hub and said, “You know they’re just building up #TeamStark to tear them down again, right?” and he was like, “Yeah…probably.”

But for now I’m going to hold on — HOLD ON FOR ONE much more DAY! — to the fact that something relatively good happened to many of the Stark kids.

In other news, I finally made a Snapchat account! Now…all I need to do is figure out how to use it, haha. If you have any secret squirrel Snapchat wisdom, please share it.


My Snapchat deal with — or is it a Snapchat code? Neviem! — is @karenmbbsnaps.

Vaše priateľské kúzlo kúzlo,


Nedeľa s kartami Mačka, Makeup, ako aj odvolanie Blog Mascot, Zv. 387

Vážený denník,

Dnes nastala niečo. Ja …


Môj preferovaný asistent neprišiel do práce. Zostala v posteli. Prišiel som dole očakávať, že objavím moju rannú omáčku, rovnako ako tam nebol. Moja LitterBox sa ani nezmenila.

Toto je prvýkrát za 10 rokov, že predtým, ako sa to stalo, rovnako ako som trochu zmätený.

Môj asistent hovoril o tom, že je potrebné trvať dlho, ale ja som len … Predpokladám, že som ju nebral vážne.

Veril som, že je potešená, že pracuje pre mňa, rovnako ako som úprimne neveril, že potrebuje prestávku.

Nie som si istý, či to má niečo, čo má s novým prenájmom, začína čoskoro, pretože o ňom hovorila veľa, ale je to divné. Chápete, že s uvedením presne, ako nechápete, čo máte, kým to nie je preč? No, chápem, čo to znamená.


Chýba mi. Je to najlepší asistent, aký som kedy mal. Je mi to oveľa viac ako len asistent pre mňa. Rozumel som jej veľa môjho života, rovnako ako ona je vždy tam, otvárať plechovky omáčky, poškriabajúcu moju bradu, rovnako ako to, že mi poskytuje moju trikrát každodennú masáž. Má tie najlepšie kolo, rovnako ako najkrajšie oči na celom svete.

Chápete, čo to je? Milujem ju. Dúfam, že sa rozhodne, že sa vráti k práci čoskoro.


15-minútový make-up: Mac Lilacked / Mac Woodwinked / Mac Wedge / Mac Post Moderné / presýpacie hodiny Zabezpečenie Electra

Úprimne, pretože veľa dní, 15 minút je asi po celú dobu, aby som sa dostal na make-up.

Oh, a môžem alebo nemusím nosiť športovú podprsenku ako môj vrchol v tomto pic. ?



Mac Lilacked Pro Longwear Color Waterproof Color Stick

Mac Eye Shadows v drevenom a klinovom

Clinique Intense Ebony Liner

Urban Decay Cannonball Mascara



Urban Decay nahý pleť jeden & hotový v stredne tmavý

NARS Svetlo odrážajúce stlačené nastavenie prášku v priesvitnom kryštále

Mac mineralizuje kožu v strednom zlatom

Tvorbajte navždy ultra HD korektory v R40 a Y33

Presýpacie hodiny okolité osvetlenie červenať v rande


Mac LibraShnits rúž v postmodernom


Váš priateľský sektorový závislý,


P.S. Povedz mi o svojom make-up dnes. Pýtajte sa mysle.

5 Lavish, lovely Berry Lipsticks to autumn for This autumn


They state it’s fall, as well as it did feel like autumn right here about a week ago. It was cloudy as well as chilly, as well as there were leaves falling everywhere outside, however then summertime struck back as well as said, “CUT! Nie tak zhurta! I’m not prepared to go…” We had one more string of 80- as well as 90-degree days.


Sooner or later, though, it’ll get cooler as well as stay that way. It’s a guarantee. as well as when it happens, I’ll be prepared for it with these five fall-friendly berry lipsticks.

1. NARS Satin Lip Pencil in Hyde Park ($26)

NARS Satin Lip Pencil in Hyde Park
I truly like Reddish berry Hyde Park with bronze, burgundy as well as brown looks. as well as even cranberry smoky eyes (Ooh! — provide it try sometime with a warm as well as shimmery cranberry on your lids as well as a matte orangey brown in the crease). The pencil shape makes it simple to line as well as fill in my lips without needing a lip liner, so yay for skipping steps! Hyde Park is offered now at NARS counters, stores as well as online.

2. Tom Ford Lip color Matte in Plum rich ($52)

Tom Ford Lip color Matte in Plum Lush

This matte plummy berry is a perennial autumn fave of mine. It’s Tom Ford’s Plum Lush, as well as it’s a relatively flat matte that doesn’t truly show any type of light. I believe it looks additional great when paired with contrasting eye looks that do have a bit sheen, like satiny plum smoky eyes, as well as I likewise like it with deep plum winged liner. It’s offered now at Tom Ford counters as well as online.


Mačky a make-up mikiny?

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3. metropolitan Decay transformation Lipstick in Jilted ($22)

Urban Decay transformation Lipstick in Jilted
Jilted is my “party” berry shade since it’s so much fun! I like its somewhat blue undertones as well as shiny finish. just add falsies as well as draw crisp black feline eye flicks, as well as proceed to par-tay. It’s offered now at metropolitan Decay counters as well as online.

4. NARS Audacious Lipstick in Fanny ($32)

NARS Audacious Lipstick in Fanny
Fanny, Fanny, Fo-Fanny, Banana-Fanny Fo-Fanny, Fee-Fi-Fo-Fanny, FANNY! NARS Fanny will take you from your workstation to the Chevy’s down the street after work, as well as then back at house for a vigorous evening walk with your feline (LOL!). I believe of this rich berry shade as my every-occasion berry, since I can wear it everywhere (and I do!). It’s offered now at NARS counters, shops as well as online.

5. MAC Satin Lipstick in Rebel ($17)

MAC Satin Lipstick in Rebel


Don’t you attempt tell this powerful plummy berry what to do! It’s a Rebel! — as well as I bust it out whenever I feel like kicking @ss as well as taking names. I like it with strong eye looks — the bolder the better. preferably with lashes, brows, liner as well as perhaps even a bit bit of shine for sparkle. When you feel like going all out, reach for Rebel. It’s offered now at MAC stores, counters as well as online.

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5 things I’ve Been Loving Lately

The jaws of life
1. The Scunci Fish Clip Jaw Clip for additional Thick Hair

Otherwise understand as THE JAWS OF LIFE! I purchased this on a whim at Target, as well as now every other hair clip is dead to me. If you have long, thick or otherwise unruly hair, this will do wonders for you.

It has much more teeth than your standard-issue claw clip, so it feels stronger as well as sturdier, as well as when I twist my hair up into a bun as well as protected the ends with this clip, the bun really stays put, which never occurs when I utilize a single run-of-the-mill clip.


I got the big size for $3, however they likewise have little ones, too.

2. Edible Monterey Bay

I chosen up two problems of this regional magazine in Monterey last weekend (I believe it’s totally free in town). One was in our room, as well as I discovered the other one on the counter in a fancy-schmancy organic ice cream shop.

It has beautiful photography as well as captivating writing! You’ll want to stay up reading about goat cheese all night long, even though you’re totally exhausted from sightseeing…


Mačky a make-up mikiny?

42 dolárov

Nakupuj teraz

3. The Ninja Blender

My in-laws provided this to us while they were moving last month, as well as it’s the most frightening blender I’ve ever owned.

So numerous blades!

I worry for my life each time I laundry it…

It’s not playin’!
But it slices with anything you feed it. even lemon pits don’t stand a possibility as well as get obliterated to bits. My eco-friendly juices have been the smoothest they’ve ever been.

It’s not the most intuitive device, nevertheless (the very first time I utilized it, I spent 20 minutes trying to figure out exactly how to turn it on), however when you get the hang of it, it’s great.

4. “Do Not Disturb” mode on the iPhone

That “moon symbol” on your iphone silences incoming texts as well as phone calls when you press it, however it still enables emergency phone calls to find though if somebody tries to consistently phone call you.

Very useful if your notifies are set on vibrate, as well as you come from a household of night people who text things like photos of bacon at strange hours (side note: true story). I turn it on just before I go to bed as well as turn it off very first thing in the morning.

5. physical fitness Blender workouts

I’ve been doing the HIIT ones by Kelli, as well as by the end I’m sweating like a mofo. however they have all kind of non-HIIT workouts, too, like for core, arms, back, etc.

If you try the HIIT ones, you ought to most likely have a few genuine life classes under your belt, since the videos don’t delve as well deeply into technique. She just jumps best in, which I like.

Just did this yesterday.

The visual extras on the screen are extremely helpful, like there’s a bar on the right-hand side that lets you understand exactly how much of your workout is left, as well as there’s likewise a small preview screen in the upper left that shows you the upcoming move.

Kelli works you hard, as well as I like that she’s likewise chatty however not obnoxiously perky. You can likewise add your own music, because they purposefully don’t include music in the background.


So that’s me. Čo ste v poslednej dobe milovali?

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Make Up For ever holiday 2015

three of the six comprise For ever holiday 2015 sets
Hold me close as well as kiss me deeply, MUFE, as we snuggle by the Christmas tree as well as the roaring fire…

Hello, holiday collections! MUFE, you had me at shine as well as hot pink.


Make Up For Ever’s holiday 2015 collection is cutie-cute-cute, as well as as for the packaging, there’s no guy junk visible within a three-mile radius.

The collection includes six restricted edition sets, as well as here’s a look at three of them (not shown are the lash kit, the gloss duo as well as the mini clean kit). They’re a few of the very best offers I’ve seen so far this holiday makeup season.

Make Up For ever holiday 2015 15 artist shadow combination ($59, a $221 value)
The comprise For ever holiday 2015 15 artist shadow palette
A better look at the comprise For ever holiday 2015 15 artist shadow palette
The colors themselves are all re-promotes from the long-term line, so these aren’t brand new products, however you may not mind, even if you already have a few of the colors…


Mačky a make-up mikiny?

42 dolárov

Nakupuj teraz

And the reason for that? cost break!

Make Up For ever holiday 2015 artist Plexi-Gloss Collection ($150, a $228 value)

Make Up For ever holiday 2015 artist Plexi-Gloss Collection

OK, yeah…so this kit, the $150 holiday 2015 artist Plexi-Gloss Collection, is a great deal of tacos, however it includes 12 full-size MUFE artist Plexi-Gloss glosses, which are usually $19 each, however right here they work out to just $12.50.

So you might tell your considerable other that you’re buying the set to save money. “But, honey! I’m doing it for the great of the family!”

There’s likewise a smaller kit, the $43 holiday 2015 artist Plexi-Gloss Kit, that’s a $76 value (or $10.75 per gloss).

Make Up For ever holiday 2015 artist Plexi-Gloss set ($43, a $76 value, not including the value of the adorable bag)
Swatches of the 15 artist shadow Palette; from the left, that’s 1-550, S-522 as well as I-528
I-524, D-826 as well as I-662
I-916, D-830 as well as I-992
You likewise save major money with the $59 15-pan eyeshadow palette, which is pegged at a $221 value ($3.93 per shadow!). It’s one for the gals who like shimmers, since there are a great deal of ‘em here, as well as they vary in surface as well as intensity (satin, metallic, iridescent, glitter).

D-236, S-228 as well as ME-216
S-102, S-114 as well as ME-122
Artist Plexi-Gloss Collection swatches from the left: #100P, #104, #202, #206, #209 as well as #300P
Make Up For ever artist Plexi-Gloss set swatches from the left in #101, #207, #301P as well as #304
#305, #306, #403, #405P, #406 as well as #500
All of the kits are restricted edition, as well as I don’t have a firm release date yet, however I do understand that they’re all coming soon to Sephora stores, sephora.com, makeupforever.com as well as comprise For ever stores.

Co si myslis? Does it look like MUFE did well this year for the holidays? Do you see anything you like?

There are better looks at the products as well as a great deal more information in the video at the top.


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