Some thoughts on local Hawaiian makeup trends

Chillin’ by the pool sans makeup
After all the time I spent auditioning different makeup bags and thinking about what makeup to bring on this trip, I barely wore any makeup at all, which was kind of a big deal for me.

Things were different on my last trip to Hawaii a few years ago. I was even filling in my brows, curling my lashes and putting on tinted moisturizer and blush before going to the beach.


This time, though? Nuh-uh. most of the time it was just copious amounts of sunscreen and a hat. and that’s about it.

I did wear makeup a few times — once to a nicer restaurant for dinner (one of those places you wear your nice muumuu and your fancy dress up slippers to, LOL!) with a friend I met on the blog (hi, Fern!), and I had some of the best food I’ve ever had in Hawaii.

So I put on some makeup that night, but I did, like, the bare minimum going-out makeup for me. Brows, MAC next to Nothing, a little concealer, a hint of powder, the BECCA X Chrissy palette on my eyes and my cheeks, mascara, a quickie coral lip, and that was about it.


Mačky a make-up mikiny?

42 dolárov

Nakupuj teraz

I’m definitely much more comfortable wearing less makeup than I used to be, and I feel that if I’m staying up late and I’m going to look tired anyway, or if I have dark circles, or if my skin tone looks uneven, eh…I’m fine with it. As long as I’m wearing sunscreen and a smile on my face, I’m doing OK, haha!

Poolside cuties
Even though I didn’t wear a lot of makeup myself on this trip, I still paid attention to the makeup the people around me were wearing. I “people watched” pretty hard at the beach and the pool, and I even met an MBB reader (Hi, Myrna!) at the beach. She happened to be wearing a beautiful shimmery bronze eye shadow on her lids. She also introduced me to Clio, a brand she called the Korean version of urban Decay, and I can’t wait to get on that, ASAP!

I scanned eyebrows SO hard on this trip because of a local phenomenon El Hub, who was born and raised in Hawaii, calls, “Hawaii eyebrows.” many local ladies rock super thin ’90s-style brows, and I did notice a little of that going on, but I also noticed more people than ever sporting full brows at the beach and at local places like the Foodland (went for some ahi poke and a chocolate haupia pie) and Long’s (the best place to get Kona coffee, macadamia nuts, crack seed, kaki mochi and local souvenirs).

I mean, most people still weren’t rocking Instagram brows or anything, but overall, it did seem like the local style was toward fuller brows than the pencil thin brows I remember.

Time for a quick dip? Iste, prečo nie!
Some things haven’t changed. Like, I saw many local ladies wearing stacks of Hawaiian bracelets, lots of gold jewelry/bling, and wearing a beautiful hibiscus or plumeria flower behind one ear. I saw a lot of that happening, too. I also saw lots of lovely, long hair pulled up into a high ponytail or bun. Didn’t see a lot of local braid action, though.

Oh! — and I don’t remember seeing quite as much crisp black cat liner (both thin and thick varieties) on the upper lash line as I saw on this trip. It was generally crisp without any smokiness on the edges or the wings. and I saw very few smoked-out, smudgy lower lash lines or jet black liner on upper and lower water lines, too.


Do you pay attention to local style when you travel? What are some of the places that have the most memorable makeup styles you’ve seen?

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Nedeľa s kartami Mačka, Makeup, rovnako ako Charm Blog Mascot, Zv. 377

Niektoré mačky sú pohodlné odpočinku na svojich vavrích / strachoch.

Ale nie karty.


On vždy tlačí limity, rovnako ako lámanie novej zem, dokonca aj po 10 rokoch na vrchole podnikania, rovnako ako tento vzor smerom k top modelovanie modelovania Kitty pokračuje tento týždeň s pop-upom Tabby, zbrusu nový interaktívny explózia čistého modelovania zručnosti Ovplyvnené VH1 pop-up video, ktoré karty, ako aj obaja láska.

Pre plnú skúsenosť, zobraziť tento blog publikovať na vašom počítači, takže si môžete zahrať dodržiavanie Madonna Video, rovnako ako nepamätajte si, že ste si zavolali reproduktory!

Potom prejdite cez myš nad kartami fotografií, aby ste videli pop-up …

Nestojí tam; Poďme k tomu. Zaujať pózu; Nie je na to nič.



Nie je to ideálne video pre karty? Smeje sa zakaždým, keď si to počúvam, rovnako ako pozrite sa na fotografie kariet.

Vaša priateľská komunita Carm Carm Products,

Karen, rovnako ako karty

FYH (pre vaše vlasy): bočná časť alebo stredná časť?

pre mňa, bočná časť celú cestu. Vždy som mal jeden, aj späť, keď som bol dieťa.



Späť, keď moje vlasy vyzerali ako Ralph Macchio z Karate Kid
Skúste na sekundu, aby ste neboli rozptyľovaní hroznými vlasmi alebo krátkymi šortkami (čo môžem povedať? Bol to ’80s) a zamerať sa na vlasovú časť. Je to mierne mimo centrum. Zavoláme to na začiatok bočnej časti.

A neskôr, neskôr, počas môjho fázy medveďa na vlasy (opäť nemám ospravedlnenie, iné ako skutočnosť, že to bola “80. rokov), bočná časť cementovala svoju vládu dominovaním mojich rany …

To bol môj ôsmy časový obraz. Z toho, čo si môžem spomenúť, bol som veľmi sklamaný so svojimi vlasmi, že deň, pretože rany neboli dosť vysoké.

Upozorňujeme, že traky a plné, svieža, nedotknuté obočie.

To, čo by som nedal mať tieto obočie späť …


Ale tento príspevok nie je o obočie! Je to o častiach – a chcem vedieť o tvojej: Máte bočnú časť alebo centrum?

Vaše priateľské kúzlo kúzlo,


Make-up, rovnako ako krása blog pondelok ankety, vol. 356

You may be wondering, “So what in tarnation is this Monday Poll thing anyway!?”

No, nie je to presne anketa. Je to skôr neustále sa vyvíjajúci (devolving?), Trochu náhodný zoznam obáv, ktoré som za posledných sedem rokov uviedol návštevníkom každý pondelok. (Je to ako Kickstart pre váš mozog.) Vždy som si užil čítanie vašich odpovedí v komentároch, rovnako ako dúfam, že sa vám páči čítanie bane.

One of my present life goals is to…
…get a full night’s sleep! I can’t even keep in mind the last time that happened.

I believe it was about two months ago…


I’m not sure though…

See! That’s what chronic sleep deprivation can do to you. It damaged your short-term memory, let me tell ya, however I know, I know! — it’s gonna get worse when infant woman arrives.

Other than your wallet, secrets and/or phone, what’s one thing you always have in your purse?
Pero. Yup, I’m the person who always keeps a pen in her purse, since you never understand when you’ll have to indication something, like a receipt, as well as there won’t be any type of working pens at the counter or wherever.

I’ve had this occur to me many times before, as well as all I have to state is “WHY?” Can somebody please modification the dang pens already!?

Pens are likewise handy when you’re sitting on the toilet in a public restroom, as well as there’s a note or a indication on the stall door that needs a comma…and you just can’t let it go.

Neon nails or shine nails?
Oh, shine nails for sure (even though they’re a pain to remove).

Gimme dat glitter!

Beachy waves or a smooth blowout?
My hair is naturally wavy, so I can do the beachy waves already. So I’ll pick the smooth blowout and, ideally, somebody else will be doing it for me, haha!

Do you have any type of creative talents?
I like to believe so, a little. Like, I believe I’m okay at writing, taking pics as well as dressing up tomcat tabbies in bedazzled statement necklaces.

And in a past life, I was a musician who might sing as well as dance on occasion.


Si na rade. Stačí kópiu, ako aj vložiť dodržiavanie obáv do komentára s vašimi odpoveďami. Pozerám sa dopredu na čítanie ’em!

1. one of my present life goals is to…
2. other than your wallet, secrets and/or phone, what’s one thing you always have in your purse?
3. Neon nails or shine nails?
4. Beachy waves or a smooth blowout?
5. Do you have any type of creative talents?

Here’s something I’ve had on my mind lately: if a few great days turn into a great week, as well as a few great weeks turn into a great month, as well as a few great months turn into a great year, then all it takes to have a great year is starting with a few great days.


Isn’t that right? I truly hope that today is the begin of a few great days for you.

Vaša priateľská komunitná krása,


Tak dlho, Dolla-Dolla Bills! Giorgio Armani Runway Fall / Winter ’16 Zbierka obmedzeného edície je tu

dva z troch výrobkov z Giorgio Armani Runway Fall / Winter ’16 Obmedzené vydanie
Mám teóriu, že stratíme náš príkaz anglického jazyka, pretože to bude úplne nahradené využitím emojis, ako aj keď tento deň prichádza, ak som stále kickin ‘, ako aj Startin ‘SH * T, rovnako ako bustin’ sa pohybuje v klube pestovaných ľudí, to je presne to, ako by som oznámil toto hodnotenie Giorgio Armani Beauty Runway Fall / Winter ’16 Obmedzené vydanie Collection:


Dude, táto paleta? Je to sto rovnako ako dvadsať kostí.


$ 120!

Ale teraz už vážne.

OK, teraz, som dole, aby som to, aby bol niekedy dážď (hovorí žena, ktorá len dal $ 80 hodinové skrutiek surrealistické svetlo kombináciu do jej SEPHORA CARTU ???), Avšak $ 120 pre kompaktný s transparentným obchodom s práškom, ako aj tri očné tiene?


Mačky a make-up mikiny?

42 dolárov

Nakupuj teraz

To je ako náklady na striedanie vesmíru, kde sú grily s diamantmi platným typom dôchodkových úspor.

$ 120 Armani Runway Fall / Winter ’16 Obmedzená edícia sa zaoberajú a palety
Armani Runway Fall / Winter ’16 Obmedzené vydanie sa zaoberajú a palety

Uviedol som, že je to $ 120?
Udelené, pretože táto cena nerobte len kompaktný. Dostanete skúsenosti, pretože Armani zabalila vrchol kompaktného s hodvábnym mušlínom, na ktorom je tlač priamo z Armaniskej dráhy.

A satén, mauve-ish, sivastý béžová; Matte Black, ako aj špaškové očné tiene, okrem priesvitného riešenia prášku, cítiť sa takmer ako krémové vankúše …

Dobré veci, ale je to HELLA PRESYY. S najväčšou pravdepodobnosťou s ženami, ktoré obedujú, rovnako ako tiež, aby sa v mysli Armani Krása.

Armani Runway Fall / Winter ’16 Obmedzená edícia sa zaoberá a očnými kombinovanými vzorkami
Armani Runway Fall / Winter ’16 Obmedzená edícia Odtieň oko ($ 40)
Dohoda s a očnými kombinácia je spojená s $ 40 Eye Tint Cream Eyeshadow – Nádherná Khaki s lesklým povrchom, ako aj stredne veľké bity platinového trblietky.

Páči sa mi, pretože je to iskra, rovnako ako vyzerá sooo elegans na viečka …


A potom je tu $ 40 Mauve-ish béžová rouge d’Armani rúž, ktorý ešte nevidel osobne, avšak všetky tri kusy sú obmedzené vydanie, rovnako ako ponúkané teraz na Armani Counters, rovnako ako on-line.

Vaša priateľská komunitná krása,


Poďme si písať! What’s Your makeup comfort Zone?

MAC x Halsey Lipstick
Call me crazy, but I have a routine of thinking about habits.

Is that weird? Like, I notice things about myself, and then I spend a fair amount of time pondering whether it’s just me, or whether everyone else has the same quirks, and because I have a job that involves a lot of long-term quiet focus, my mind unavoidably wanders…


“Am I the only one who does [INSERT QUIRK HERE]?” Or, “I wonder how she feels about [INSERT PONDERABLE topic HERE]?” Or, “Why would the writers of The walking Dead play with my emotions like that?!”

Of course, because I absolutely adore makeup, I a lot of typically find myself thinking about what’s hot now, or how we wear what we wear, or why we wear what we wear. For instance, where do the trends come from?? It’s sort of a chicken/egg situation, right? because I think you could argue that often the trends come directly from cosmetics companies (color correcting), and often they come from us (strobing).

Anyway…now that I’m here helping Karen (and Tabs, who’s a real taskmaster, BTW!) on makeup and appeal Blog, I want to chat with you about something that’s been rolling around in my noggin.


Mačky a make-up mikiny?

42 dolárov

Nakupuj teraz

Here’s my question: What’s your “beauty comfort zone,” so to speak, when it pertains to lipstick colors?

My makeup comfort zone is pretty big where lipstick is concerned!
And I don’t just indicate standard lipstick. I’m also talking gloss, glitter, liquid lipstick (because it seems like errbody is talking about liquid lipstick ideal now) — you name it.

MAC x Halsey, that masterpiece of a grey lipstick, got me on this subject, because as wearable as it is for a grey lipstick, my brain automatically said, “Nope, that is not something you can wear everyday.”

Later after I thought about it some more, I wondered…why? Where was the girl who at 15 made a decision “I’m going to wear bright red lipstick to high school!” and did it fearlessly (despite the whispers in the hallway)?

Where was the girl who made a decision that bright purple lipstick was absolutely fine in the office on a Tuesday, just because?

My utmost neon coral, MAC’s Giambattista Valli Margherita (LE).
When I want bruised plum, I always turn to Giorgio Armani Plum 609.
A favorite “purple-pink,” YSL Rouge Volupté shine 19 Fuchsia in Rage.
We’re always told that one of the best things about makeup is that there “are no rules,” and while this is absolutely true, I think that policies do typically come from inside ourselves, a lot more than from anywhere else…at least where I’m concerned.

NYX released a absolutely amazing lipstick called Amethyst, and I want that baby bad, but the same little voice inside me that said that MAC x Halsey isn’t wearable is now telling me that I shouldn’t get Amethyst.

The irony here is that I consider myself to be exceptionally open-minded where lipstick is concerned!

I love bright pops of neon coral, deep blackened plums and neon purples. I love checking out how the vastly different colors change the way my overall makeup looks and brighten up an otherwise basic outfit.

So what’s so different about grey…or even indigo?

(Left to Right): MAC x Halsey (LE), MAC Giambattista Valli Margherita (LE), MAC Giambattista Valli Eugenie (LE), MAC Alluring Aquatic Goddess of the Sea (LE), Giorgio Armani Plum 609, YSL Rouge Volupté shine 19 Fuchsia in Rage, Pop appeal Matte velvet Lipstick relaxing Crimson


So, ladies, now it’s your turn. I love writing about (and commenting on!) things like this, because what might be “risky territory” for me could be something you’re exceptionally at ease with.

Or, you might know of a way to make a color that I’m frightened by absolutely approachable for day-to-day wear.

Let’s chat about it. meet you in the comments.

Brush Up on bright With the new Sonia Kashuk clean Couture clean set

The brushes + the makeup bag = perfection!
Now, I believed the Zoeva total clean set brushes were/are gorgeous, however I was floored by the brushes in the Sonia Kashuk clean Couture Brush set ($21.99)!

The brushes in this four-piece set all have vibrant floral-print handles as well as coordinating bristles, as well as they’re a sight to behold, however looks are nothing when it concerns brushes. What I want to understand is exactly how do they work? Do they make it simpler to apply my makeup? Does my makeup look much better when I utilize them? Pozrime sa…


The view from above…
The Sonia Kashuk clean Couture clean set includes a domed powder/blush clean (purple), synthetic contour/buffing clean (orange), tapered powder/highlight clean (pink) as well as a duo fiber foundation/concealer clean (yellow), as well as I believe we can all agree that these are some very adorable brushes.

Are they as great as they look?

Well, the domed powder/blush clean works well as a blush brush. It’s a bit smaller as well as much more dense than what I generally reach for, however it picks up pigment well as well as is very, very smooth.


Mačky a make-up mikiny?

42 dolárov

Nakupuj teraz

Here’s a comparison of it to other blush brushes in my collection:

The Sonia Kashuk domed powder/blush clean compared to the Zoeva Luxe Cheek surface clean as well as the Zoeva Luxe highlight Brush
The Sonia Kashuk domed powder/blush clean compared to the Zoeva Luxe Cheek surface clean as well as the Zoeva Luxe highlight Brush.
The Sonia Kashuk domed powder/blush clean is larger than the Zoeva Luxe highlight clean however smaller than the Zoeva Luxe Cheek surface Brush, so it’s on the little size for a blush brush. That being said, it does a fine task of applying my blush.

And because the powder/blush clean works so well, I had high really hopes for the synthetic contour/buffing clean (orange). Unfortunately, I was dissatisfied with this one. The bristles are extremely dense, as well as the clean is quite small, so I don’t like it for buffing in my foundation. Also, after washing the clean just once, a few of the orange color bled…

I don’t contour, however it may work well for blending in cream contour products, because the clean is so extremely soft.  

Here’s a comparison to the other buffing brushes in my stash:

Top to bottom: Zoeva Silk surface Brush, genuine methods Buffing Brush, Sonia Kashuk synthetic Contour/Buffing clean as well as Sonia Kashuk Duo Fiber Foundation/Concealer Brush
Sadly, the duo fiber foundation/concealer clean (yellow) doesn’t work well for me either. I discover it a bit as well big to smoothly blend my under-eye concealer, as well as as well little to effectively blend my foundation. I choose a makeup sponge for both tasks, however like the other brushes in the collection, the bristles are extremely soft.

Lastly, the tapered powder/highlight brush.

Wow, it’s extremely fluffy, so it doesn’t pick up as well much product, as well as after washing, it loses a few of its shape. So it’s not the very best clean for exactly applying a highlight, however it’s still great for dusting powder all over.

Sonia Kashuk Tapered Powder/Highlight clean compared to the Zoeva Luxe deal with Definer Brush
The Sonia Kashuk clean isn’t as dense as the Zoeva Luxe deal with Definer clean as well as not rather as soft, however it still feels comfortable on my skin (and it’s less than $4 as part of this set).

Another look at the Sonia Kashuk brushes compared to similar brushes
Overall, I believe these brushes are good, however not great. I do believe they’re extremely great for the price.

The purple blush clean as well as pink powder clean are rather good, however the orange contour clean as well as yellow foundation clean are misses for me. But if you like utilizing synthetic brushes for contour and/or foundation, they may work much better for you.  


I can’t reject that I like the packaging.

The Sonia Kashuk clean Couture clean set is offered now at Target for $22, as well as the very adorable makeup bag shown is offered for $16.

What do you believe are the very best brushes available now?

Makeovers, Noms, odhalenie pokožky, rovnako ako žena hovoria v Spacenk Larkspur v sobotu, 6. mája z Noon-2

Artis kefy na Spacenk … Sú tak mäkké!
Tieto umelecké kefy, dievča … Keď som bol v Spacenku v Larkspar minulý sobotu, stál som tam maznať, ako sú mali malá bitová mačiatka, UM, dlhšie, než som s najväčšou pravdepodobnosťou mal, lol! Sú tak mäkké.

Oh, rovnako ako to! Objavil som novú techniku ​​z Katherine, jednej z rozprávkových žien, ktoré tam pracujú (Ahoj, Katherine!) S umeleckým štetcami, ako aj presýpacie hodiny zmiznú nadáciu, ktorú rozumiete i loooooove.


Potiahnite trochu zmiznúť na tvári, znížte jednu alebo dve kvapky vášho preferovaného riešenia s olejom priamo do umeleckého čistej hlavy, potom zmes, rovnako ako nadácia s kefou. Dohoda s olejovými schémami z nadácie len dotyk, takže to bude vyzerať oveľa bezšvíkové, rovnako ako prirodzené. Typ génia, správne?

6. mája, sobota. Vy, Me, Spacenk na Marin Country Mart v Larksspur z Noon až do 2. Bude to typ ako Mini MBB Party!

Tam bude holiaci strojček (yay!), Občerstvenie (yay!), Ako aj odhaliť pokožku ošetrenie (yay!). Budem tam, aby som sa visel, rovnako ako my môžeme chatovať o kráse, mačkách, rovnako ako všetky tie zábavné veci.


Umieram vám uspokojiť, rovnako ako skutočne dúfam, že to môžete urobiť!

MBB uspokojí v Spacenk Larkspur
Sobota 6. mája od poludnia – 2 str.
Marin Country Mart
2011 Larkspur Landing Circle
Larkspur, CA 94939
(415) 419-5904

Vaša priateľská komunitná krása,


The MAC All The best Angles Contour Palettes Are Très (or Tres) Dimensional

*** THIS IS A PUBLIC service announcement ***

TO: My fair beauts

SUBJECT: I found a highlighter that shows up on us!


Allow me to introduce you to the MAC All The best Angles Contour Palettes.

Now let’s get acquainted! 

There are four of them, which are like little trios, ranging in shade family from Light to Dark, and each one comes with a cream color base, a shaping powder, and a sculpting powder. The cream product is on the lower part of the compact, and the powder tray slides snugly over it so you don’t have to worry about destroying your day by getting schmutz in the cream color base. and they also come with a mirror.


Mačky a make-up mikiny?

42 dolárov

Nakupuj teraz

What I’m getting at here is that these little black boxes are terrific for traveling!

In the photo above, I’m not wearing any blush or bronzer, just All The best Angles in Light to showcase its full effect uninterrupted.

Right off the bat, the shade of the sculpting powder (called Bone Beige) seemed off to me. MAC describes the sculpting shade in this kit as a warm brown, but compared to my beloved Too faced Milk chocolate Bronzer, Bone beige is a couple shades darker and less warm.

On my skin (my undertone is typically pretty neutral), it appears more…fleshy. It doesn’t look off at all, and I don’t feel the need to wear blush when I’m wearing Bone Beige. It just threw me off upon first glance because it wasn’t what I typically expect from a lighter contour shade… I typically expect a corpse grey.

MAC All The best Angles in Light
MAC All The best Angles in Light. shades — Luna (bright white with shimmer), emphasize (off white with fine pearl), and Bone beige (matte soft brown)
The cream colour base in Luna is aptly named. It’s white and sparkly (not glittery), so your cheekbones can shine like a crescent moon in the night sky. The shaping powder shade is called emphasize (accurately named, though not as cute), which is a good subtle glow — terrific for daytime or no-makeup makeup. I like wearing it in my inner corners on light makeup days. It’s subtle but effective in brightening up the area and making me look like I actually slept last night.

My faaavorite way to wear Emphasize is on top of Luna, which is how I’m wearing it today! each time I pass by a mirror and catch a glimpse, I stop, do a double-take, and then go “damn girl, you’re glowing.” I’m not sparkling; I’m glowing. It’s not very typically that I find a highlighter that can actually highlight my skin tone, so I am very impressed.

MAC All The best Angles in Medium

MAC All The best Angles in Medium. shades — Hush (soft peach with icy shimmer), Accentuate (peachy beige with fine pearl), and Sculpt (soft matte taupe)
MAC All The best Angles in medium Dark
MAC All The best Angles in medium Dark. shades — naked Universe: (golden beige with shimmer), Lightsweep (warm beige with fine pearl), and Shadester (mid-tone leathery brown)
MAC All The best Angles in Dark
MAC All The best Angles in Dark. shades – improper Copper (copper with high-karat gold), warm Lights (clean peach), definitive (midtone reddish brown)
Not only am I satisfied with my angelic glow, I really dig how easy the palette is to use, and each time I use it, I’m so pleased with my base makeup. This palette doesn’t just photograph well; it looks phenomenal IRL on skin.

The powders aren’t chalky, either — not even Emphasize, which is pretty close to white! I think Bone beige also works well because it isn’t too amazing or too warm, but it’s a pleased medium that doesn’t translate to “Instagram contouring” and instead looks natural. 


All The best Angles enables me to create some really stunning dimension with minimal effort. I mean, what much more could you ask for?

These puppies are $40 each ($10.53/5g for 2 powders and $18.95/4.5g cream base). A single cream colour base at MAC is $22 for 3.2g, and the shaping and sculpting powders are $17 for 6g. So with the MAC All The best Angles palette, you save $2.67/g on the cream colour base and $2.83/g on the powder products. You also get them in a clean, durable little black box.

So, what are your favorite products to sculpt and highlight with? Do you choose cream or powder?

Získajte Lisa Perry Tote a Estee Lauder Goodness s týmto darčekom-s-nákup v Neiman Marcus teraz

by to nevie? Ten raz, keď som vlastne chcel nosiť svoje biele vinylové go-go topánky (inak známe ako moje obľúbené topánky nosiť do darubného klubu v deň), samozrejme, nemôžem ich nájsť.



Išli tak dobre s týmto Tote Lisa Perry …


Dohoda prichádza s niektorými inými dobrotou, rovnako ako pekné očné tiene a palety na rúž, samostatný krémový nahý rúž, malá jar Estée Lauder Re-Nutriv Supreme Lift Age-Oprava Creme, ďalšia malá fľaša moderná nočná oprava, a Drobná trubica luxusného extrémneho multiplikácie objem Mascara a moja obľúbená vec – vzorka Aerin Lilac Path Parfume.

Začal som crushin ‘na cestách Lilac s prvým Spritzom.

Obrázok sami spať a vstať neskoro na ostré jarné ráno. Otvoríte svoje obľúbené okno a zhlboka sa nadýchnite, ah … tým vonia jarných kvetov a čistého, čerstvého vzduchu? – To je Aerin Lilac Path Parfume.


Udelené, to je imaginárny čas, pretože keď som si teraz otvorím svoje okná, väčšinou cítim polo-mŕtvy rozmarínové kríky.

Darčeková ponuka je teraz k dispozícii s vaším nákupom $ 75 el, zatiaľ čo zásoby naposledy, pri počítadlách Estée Lauder a online.

Len fyi v prípade, že ste mali nejaké el produkty, ktoré ste potrebovali na sklade …