Archives July 2023

The drugstore Dupe Files: $7.50 Almay Brow Defining Pencil Versus $21 Anastasia Brow Wiz

$7.50 Almay Brow Defining Pencil in Brunette
It would most likely be a fool’s errand at this point in my life to try to ended up being an Olympic sprinter…

I’m barely 5’2″ tall, I’m in doubtful physical condition, as well as one of my legs is shorter than the other.


The Olympic sprinting thing? Not the most sensible goal for me, however I do have other aspirations, like discovering drugstore dupes of my preferred department store/high-end makeup.

Now THAT’s something I can do.

It’s not gonna be easy, for sure. often (but not always) with makeup, I do believe that you get what you pay for.


Mačky a make-up mikiny?

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So I’m on a mission. I’m a lady on a objective to discover respectable, cost effective options to her preferred department store items.

$7.50 Almay Brow Defining Pencil in Brunette on the left as well as $21 Anastasia Brow Wiz in Dark brown on the right
This one right here is Almay’s $7.50 Brow Defining Pencil, which I’d really hoped would be a drugstore dupe for my present eye pencil love, the $21 Brow Wiz by Anastasia Beverly Hills.

I totally failed to remember to mention this pencil in the Ulta publish the other day (it was buried at the bottom of that significant bag!), which is odd because, seriously, it took me a truly long time to discover in the store. I combed the aisles for a possible Brow Wiz dupe.

And then I saw it — Almay’s $7.50 Brow Defining Pencil — tucked away on the bottom shelf.

“Aha!” I exclaimed…to myself.

Almay Brow Defining Pencil in Brunette on the left as well as Anastasia Brow Wiz in Dark brown on the right
The size of the idea is what very first caught my eye. It’s extremely thin, just like Anastasia Brow Wiz, as well as the pencil likewise has a brow comb on the back end, again, like Brow Wiz.

Unfortunately, I only identified two shades on the shelf…

I figured, OK, well, perhaps that’s since Ulta doesn’t bring all of the colors, so I inspected on the internet from my phone.

Apparently it only is available in two colors, Brunette (which is what I’m using here) as well as Dark Blonde, whereas Anastasia Brow Wiz is available in nine.

Obvs, the other major difference is price. Anastasia’s is $21, as well as Almay’s is $7.50.


Now for some may-jah bare-faced action in three, two, one…

Before Almay Brow Defining Pencil…

Untamed, naked brows (and face, since I’m makeup-less)
After Almay Brow Defining Pencil…

Wearing Almay Brow Defining Pencil in Brunette in my brows

As for the barefaced action above, what I can say? It’s Friday as well as I felt lazy. as well as don’t even ask what’s going on with my hair…

After utilizing the Almay pencil for the past couple days, I’ve discovered one more difference between it as well as Anastasia’s pencil: texture.

Almay Brow Defining Pencil in Brunette on the left as well as Anastasia Brow Wiz in Dark brown on the right
The ideas of both pencils are likewise fine (Anastasia’s is a tad finer), as well as Almay’s does produce the luxurious natural brow look I like, however Almay’s formula is somewhat drier as well as consequently not as smooth.

I mean, it’s not a significant deal… It’s not like the pencil’s painfully tough to use, however Anastsia’s absolutely does skim along my skin as well as brows a lot more easily.

Even so, I believe Almay’s Brow Defining Pencil is a respectable Anastasia Brow Wiz dupe — if one of the two offered shades works for you.

Almay Brow Defining Pencil in Brunette on the left as well as Anastasia Brow Wiz in Dark brown on the right
Almay Brunette is somewhat warmer as well as redder than the Anastasia shade I normally wear (Dark Brown), as well as I believe it’s a lot of obvious in pics when I utilize a flash.

Of course, that might just be me…

For the most part, I’m delighted with Brunette. If you’re trying to find a brow pencil for daily wear (and less for pics), it’s a excellent deal.

Oh! — before I forget, the Almay Pencil’s twisty thing-a-ma-bobber takes Hulk-like stamina to turn. Either that, or I requirement to integrate a lot more push-ups into my workouts.

For now, this is a quite great dupe for my preferred brow pencil, as well as a more-than-capable drugstore option.

For my next drugstore dupe mission? discovering something similar to MAC Strobe Cream.

Je to možné? Čas ukáže…


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Oblečenie dňa: Mint Madness, a úžasné Jeans z Loft

Robte všetkých mladých chlapcov Láma Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream? Prisahám … Myslím, že robia.

Milujem aj mincovňu, ale nie toľko zmrzliny (som oveľa viac Dulce de Leche / Pistachio Gal). Som všetko o nositeľných formách farby. Je tu len niečo tak čerstvé a pružné o mätových oblečeniach a doplnkoch.


Včera som nosil tento outfit včera, takže oficiálne to bol môj outfit of theser-dňom, a nie môj outfit dnes (stále som si to vybral). Narodoval som ho do kancelárie lekára (čistý Zdravie, Woop-Woop!) A teraz, keď o tom premýšľam, mincovňa v Lacy Top mierne sa podobá farbe krovín, ktoré som použil na nosenie, keď som internovaný na lekárske Zariadenie asi pred miliárd rokmi …

Tiež mám na sebe nové obľúbené džínsy v tomto pic, teriforne mäkké, nezvyčajne pohodlné podkrovie moderné chudé džínsy. Tkanina má na ňu trochu roztiahne, a udržuje tie napínavé právomoci, ako sa dni nosia, takže do konca dlhého dňa, džínsy sú stále efektívne prilepené k môjmu zadku a nie sú visí z neho (vždy dobrú vec ).

Tiež mám rád miernu úzkosť na stehnách.


Mačky a make-up mikiny?

42 dolárov

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Jeans – LOT
Topánky – Franco Sarto (Tu je niečo podobné)
Náhrdelník – navždy 21 (tu je niečo podobné)
Náušnice – Kate Spade
Sledujte – Anne Klein (niečo podobné)
Taška – kate rýľ (niečo podobné)

Ružové police sú hore! Ružové police sú hore!

Hoci nie bez boja. Neboli to najjednoduchšie veci, ktoré by sa mohli spojiť, pretože sú oceľové a ťažké, a teraz je tu obrovský dent v stene (a menší zub v El Hubovej hlave, kde sa dostal narazený).


Ale aspoň sú hore! Yay pre malé víťazstvo!

Vaše priateľské kúzlo kúzlo,


Update Your wardrobe With Fun, teasing Florals From Macy’s INC worldwide ideas

It started with a pair of shoes… A pair of high-heeled caged shoes in a blush color to be exact. I spotted these high heels by INC worldwide ideas at Macy’s last week as well as was overcome keeping that special tingly shoe feeling — you know, the one where you understand you have to get a specific pair of shoes in your life.

INC worldwide ideas Rammee High Heel Sandal, $109
But I’m getting a bit ahead of myself… This story really starts a month ago.


I woke up one morning, opened my wardrobe doors to pick out my clothes for the day, as well as realized that whatever I own is gray or black.

Not that there’s anything wrong with those colors. Black is always chic, as well as gray effectively hides the tabby feline fur. however I came to the realization that I just don’t want to be clad in black as well as gray from head to toe right now.

Spring is coming, as well as I feel like bright colors! — like a blooming garden with flowers around the location as well as rainbows as well as a teal pegasus soaring across the sky. It’s time to update my garments garden/game, as well as I’ve been looking for floral pieces that both match these shoes as well as likewise work with things I already have in my closet.


Mačky a make-up mikiny?

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What do you believe of this floral peplum jacket?

Macy’s INC worldwide ideas Floral-Print Peplum diving Jacket, $99.50
A silver zipper adds some edge
A closeup of the peplum!
I like the different shades of pink as well as exactly how they vary from soft blush to intense hot pink. I believe the peplum likewise provides it a extremely ladylike sweetness, while the zipper provides it a bit of an edge.

It’s likewise quite versatile. I dressed it down right here with a pair of ripped boyfriend denim as well as a white tee, however I believe it would likewise look super adorable with a gray pencil skirt, or perhaps on top of a white streaming dress… Or perhaps with a pair of mint eco-friendly skinnies, since there is a bit mint eco-friendly in the pattern.

I’m affectionately referring to these tapered printed soft pants as my Blanche Devereaux pants because, hello! — Blanche would have totally rocked these in the golden women era, as well as they still look good. They’re like an updated version. They’ve got that draping, hugs-your-curves-in-all-the-right-ways vibe to ‘em.

Macy’s INC worldwide ideas Tapered printed Soft Pants, $69.50

Drawstring details…

A better look at the print
I truly such as this print since it goes with most of the black pieces in my closet. It’s perhaps not rather as wonderful as the peplum jacket is, however I can play off the black in the print as well as pair it with a black top and/or my black leather jacket.

Here I’m using the shoes again, however I believe it would likewise look adorable with a pair of black high heels.

Pink as well as gray — my two preferred colors when I was in fourth grade, as well as they’re still one of my preferred color combos now, which is why I was drawn to this floral-print pencil skirt. I kept it casual, pairing it with a hot pink tee as well as a slouchy gray cardigan.

Macy’s INC worldwide ideas Floral-Print Pencil Skirt, $79.50
Another look at the details on the cage shoes
The shoes as well as skirt!
One of the excellent things about florals is that they’re simple to gown up or down, as well as even if you feel like they may be as well loud for you, you can always ground them with a darker top or bottom. most importantly, begin with a floral print moves you in some way, like, when you see it, you think, “Oh! I like that combo,” or, “I like that pattern.” You just have to discover something that speaks to you (or whispers), as well as then just believe about exactly how it would work with a few of the pieces in your closet. Do you have a black tee shirts that would go with it? Or a white one?

Florals may seem limiting sometimes, however they’re not. The possibilities are endlessly blooming.

The floral pieces I’m using right here are offered now from Macy’s INC worldwide Concepts.

This was originally published on


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Make-up, ako aj odvolanie blog pondelok ankety, zv. 377

make-up, ako aj odvolanie blog pondelok ankety 15. júna 2015
Môžete sa čudovať, “Tak čo v Tarnácii je tento pondelok hlasom ???”

No, nie je to presne anketa. Je to oveľa viac z pravidelného vyvíjania (demontáž?), Trochu náhodný zoznam obáv, ktoré som za posledných sedem rokov uviedol návštevníkom každému pondelok. (Je to ako Kickstart pre váš mozog.) Vždy som si vzal radosť pri čítaní vašich odpovedí v komentároch, rovnako ako dúfam, že budete mať potešenie pri čítaní bane.

Slnečné okuliare alebo klobúky?
Klobúky. Dostal som si vlasy pred niekoľkými týždňami, takže som sa všetci o používaní klobúkov, aby ste zabezpečili farbu vlasov z farbách vlasov.

Boli ste niekedy Waterskiing?
Nie. Je to vyvažovací šport, rovnako ako ja mám slušnú rovnováhu, takže som si myslím, že by som mohol byť v poriadku, ale domnieva sa, že stojí na dvoch dlhých palice vo vode, neohrozuje mi.

Verím, že by som bol oveľa lepší na wakeboardingu (pretože je jedna menej zapojená palica).

Preppy alebo Bohemian?
Preppy, ak hovoríme oblečenie; Bohemian, ak hovoríme domu.

Jasný rúž alebo svetlé očné linky?
Svetlý rúž. Žiadne obavy z toho.

Aký je váš dar preferovaný obchod so smotanou?
Clains Multi-Active Deň skorý krém na vrásky (59 USD).

Páči sa mi Clarins Hydraturers. Nikdy mi neposkytujú breakouts, sú vždy neuveriteľne hydratačné, ako aj vrstvujú dobre pod ním make-up.

A sú prinášajú takmer kdekoľvek – Macy’s, Sephora, Nordstrom – takže ich nemusím hľadať.


Si na rade. Stačí kópiu, ako aj vložiť dodržiavanie obáv do komentára s vašimi odpoveďami. Pozerám sa dopredu na čítanie ’em!

1. Slnečné okuliare alebo klobúky?
2. Boli ste niekedy Waterskiing?
3. Preppy alebo Bohemian?
4. Jasný rúž alebo svetlé očné linky?
5. Aký je váš dar preferovaný obchod so smotanou?


Mačky a make-up mikiny?

42 dolárov

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Dobré ráno! Môžem alebo nemusím sedieť priamo na gauči s horným tlačidlom mojich nohavíc späť.

Áno, … niekto mohol mať minulý týždeň jeden rovnako dobre.

Čokoľvek, každá uhryznutie stálo za to!

Dúfam, že sa veci idú dobre. Cítim sa, že som bol išiel chvíľku, ale dnes sa vrátim do odvolania blogging groove dnes.


Čo máš nové?

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Makeup and charm blog Monday Poll, Vol. 375

The makeup and charm blog Monday Poll for June 1, 2015
Možno by ste sa zaujímali, “čo je to, čo v tanácii je tento pondelok hlasom ??

No, to nie je presne anketa. It’s much more of a continuously evolving (devolving?), somewhat random list of questions I’ve been putting out to readers every Monday morning for the past seven years. (It’s like a kickstart for your brain.) I’ve always delighted in reading your answers in the comments, and I hope you delight in reading mine.

How comfortable are you posing for photographs?
Most of the time I’m pretty comfortable, although to be honest…it partly depends on who’s taking the picture. I can’t lie! I have control issues.

If I’m taking the pictures myself, of myself (myself of myself?), then I’m fine because I can set everything up exactly the way I want, but when someone else is the photographer, in some cases I’m like, “Here, why don’t you tilt the video camera like this?” or, “How about we face the light from this angle instead?” or “Let’s relocation everyone about a foot to the left so the garbage can isn’t in the shot.”

Honestly, I typically end up just grabbing the video camera and taking the pictures myself, which is why I’m rarely in a lot of group pictures.

Finish the following sentence: glitter is…
…an absolute necessity sometimes.

How often do you wear hair extensions?
Rarely, if ever. I’ve worn them a couple of times (mostly after I’ve chopped off my hair), but I don’t like the extra weight on my head.

I do eventually want to try some clip-on bangs, though! I’m still searching for a natural-looking pair that I like.

If you could jump on a plane best now and go charm shopping for 24 hours anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Ooh! So tough. It’s a tossup between Milan and Japan. On my brief trip to Milan a few years ago I saw a lot of cool charm stuff over the course of just half a day walking around, so I’m sure if I had a full 24 hours I’d find some real gems.

But I think I’d rather go to Japan because I’ve never been there before. I’d stock up on face masks, brushes, false lashes and as numerous strange products as I could find. Either way, fun!

Pigtails on adults: a do or a don’t?
Generally, a don’t for me, although I was guilty of wearing them with reckless abandon in the late ’90s (*cringes*). I wore them to clubs and to class, but never to work. I do have to say that I have seen some gals (and some guys) who can legitimately pull off the look, but it’s a rare thing.


Si na rade. Stačí skopírovať a prilepiť nasledujúce otázky do komentára s odpoveďami s odpoveďami. Teším sa na čítanie ’em!

1. how comfortable are you posing for photographs?
2. finish the following sentence: glitter is…
3. how often do you wear hair extensions?
4. If you could jump on a plane best now and go charm shopping for 24 hours anywhere in the world, where would you go?
5. Pigtails on adults: a do or a don’t?


Mačky a make-up mikiny?

42 dolárov

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Good morning, sweet friend. I’m having one of those Monday mornings where I feel like I need to treat myself with extra tenderness. Does that ever happen to you? yesterday was one of those “cry at the drop of a hat” days (thankfully, I managed to avoid Target), and so today I’m having emotional leftovers for brunch.

At the moment I’m trying to do all of the little things that typically help me feel better, like I put on a t-shirt that makes me pleased (it’s covered in cats!), I drank some tea out of my favorite teacup, I lit my current favorite candle by Aveda, and now I’m searching for some joyful music.


I hope you’re having a good day so far. Do something good for yourself.

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Mac Dovolenka 2015 | Enchanted Eve Lip Kompaktné v ružovej rúže

MAC Dovolenka 2015 Enchanted Eve Lip Kompaktné v ružovej rúže ($ 25; Príchod 18. októbra na MAC Web Site, ako aj 22 októbra na počítadlách Mac, rovnako ako obchody), Jeden z dvoch hmôt na pery v novej zberu dovolenky
Ooh! Všetky tri z ružov v Mac Enchanted Eve Lip Kompaktné v ružovom rúžke vyzerajú ako skvelé “ísť von” farby, avšak, ak idete von, rovnako ako priniesť tento kompaktný pozdĺž, nepodarí si, že si nepamätáte, aby ste si vyžiadali čisté – To znamená, že ak vám nevadí, že aplikovanie rúže s prstami v sprche v klube, rovnako ako len môžete mať na pamäti vidieť “čistú” sprchovú miestnosť na da klubu?

Jo, neveril som to …


Jeden z dvoch palety na pery v novej zberu dovolenky Mac (druhý má koraly), ružový rúž sa prejavuje so zvyškom kolekcie 18. októbra na MAC webové stránky, ako aj na počítadlách, ako aj obchodoch 22 októbra. Rovnako ako prichádza balené s tromi párty pripravenými ružovými – ľahká pastelová ružová s názvom Saint Germain, tmavá fuchsia s názvom Poďme Rendezvous, rovnako ako hlboko ružovka s názvom Wined + zveril.

Mac zosilňovaný krém rúž v Saint Germain

Mac zosilňovaný krém rúže v tom, poďme rendezvous

Mac matte rúž v wined + zmizol
Vysoká kvalita palety na perách Mac sa zdá byť oveľa viac podľa toho, čo som prišiel o očakávať od produktov na pery v dlhodobej línii, ako aj to je situácia tu. Napriek tomu, moje pery boli suchšie ako normálne v poslednej dobe, rovnako ako ja neverím, že sú toľko ako svetlo pastelové ružové svätého Germain alebo Wined + Dined Matte Formula. Ani jeden nemá trpezlivosť pre vločky, avšak tretí odtieň, poďme rendezvous, je hladší, rovnako ako flake priateľ.


Mačky a make-up mikiny?

42 dolárov

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Mac Enchanted Eve Lip Kompaktný obal


Vzhľadom k tomu, ružový rúž nezahŕňa štetec na pľučku, budete musieť dodať svoj vlastný, rovnako ako ideálne teraz, ktorým sa používam, rovnako ako páčiť $ 26 # 30 presné pery čisté NARS. Je to zatiahnuteľné, rovnako ako aj kryt, takže ho môžem znížiť v mojej kabelke, rovnako ako kompaktná čistá hlava rovnomerne kladie farbu presne tam, kde to chcem. Potom, po tom, čo som ho využil, ale predtým, než som dal viečko späť, som utrite čisté papierovou utierkou, aby som to fungoval dobre, rovnako ako vyzerať skvelé dlhšie.

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6 makeup policies That may Not work for You

Are you sure you requirement that eyelash curler?
When it pertains to rules, I believe that a lot of people autumn into one of three categories…

Those who comply with the policies religiously, without questioning.

Those who never comply with the rules, just since they’re policies — you know, the rebels.

And those who comply with the policies only when they believe it’s the ideal thing to do.

Personally, I belong to the third group, however sometimes, particularly makeup-wise, after hearing many times that I must or shouldn’t do something a specific way, I feel like I temporarily lose my capability to judge for myself what works as well as what doesn’t work for me. as well as I’m quite sure I’m not alone in this!


So today I’d like to remind you (and myself) that some makeup policies don’t always apply to everyone. You can follow, or ignore, any type of policies that you want.

Let’s see what a few of these policies are, shall we?

1. curling your lashes

Shu Uemura Eyelash Curler
After hearing lots of makeup artists as well as appeal gurus state that I had to curl my lashes, a few years back I got a Shu Uemura curler as well as started utilizing it without objection until, one day, I made a decision to avoid the curling step as well as go directly to mascara.


Mačky a make-up mikiny?

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I realized that my lashes really looked better! I have short lashes, as well as if I curl them, they look even shorter! I don’t understand if it’s since my specific eye shape doesn’t enable me to get as close to the lid as I’d like, however all I can tell you is that it just doesn’t work for me.

2. utilizing extremely light under-eye concealer

Deborah Milano gleam designer Highlighting Concealer in 01 Light
These days, it’s quite typical to utilize a extremely light concealer to highlight the under-eye area, as well as I believe it does look great on some people, however if you’re as dark under your eyes as I am, possibilities are your dark circles will just end up looking grey as well as stick out more.

Nie je v pohode!

3. Contouring with cool-toned products

Diego Dalla Palma Contouring Palette
We hear all the time that we must contour utilizing cool-toned powders or creams since it’s the very best method to simulate natural shadows on the face. As a general rule, I totally agree with that, however often cool-toned products can look ashy as well as muddy on extremely warm skin tones. In those cases, it may be much better to utilize a product with neutral or even somewhat warm undertones. only experimenting will tell you what’s finest for you.

4. applying nude liner on the waterlines

Neve Cosmetics Pastello Occhi natural eyeliner in Avorio/Beige
How lots of times have you heard that applying nude liner on the waterlines will make your eyes look bigger?? however what if you already have relatively huge eyes to begin with? I can tell you from personal experience that it looks quite unflattering.

5. setting whatever with powder

puroBIO Indissoluble Compact Powder in 01
Having oily skin, I’ve always believed that I just had to utilize powder around my face. however considering that I likewise utilize matte foundations, I just recently realized that all I was doing was adding a powdery layer that would just sit on top of a foundation that had already set itself.


Lately, I’ve been setting with powder only the areas where I’ve utilized concealer as well as the center of my forehead, which is my oiliest spot. Adiós, powdery face!

6. utilizing cool-toned brow products

NABLA Brow Divine in Uranus
I hear so lots of people state that brow products must be cool-toned, however in my viewpoint it truly depends upon your hair color. If your hair has warm undertones, your brows must have them too, methinks.

What about you, my friend? are there any type of appeal policies that you believe work for a lot of people, however not for you?

Kitty Kisses From Paul & Joe: The Paul & Joe autumn 2015 Lipstick CS in cafe Parisien, Coffee Cherry as well as cafe Espresso

Paul & Joe autumn 2015 Lipstick CS (three new restricted edition shades, $20 each)
To state that I’m wonderful on these three new restricted edition autumn lipsticks as well as refillable lipstick situations from Paul & Joe would be both a grievous understatement of ridiculous proportions, as well as incredibly apt, because, hello! — TEH KITTEHS.

But likewise since the lipsticks are magically made/manufactured utilizing an old Japanese candy-making method called Kintarō-ame, which includes layers of candy (or makeup) rolled together. In this case, the innermost cylinder is shaped like a feline’s face.


Which is wondrous, delightful as well as incredibly amazing.

The candy-making process likewise means that the interior kitty tubes are still visible all the method down to the bottom of the bullets — a truth that greatly pleases my makeup-obsessed, cat-loving heart.

The three new $20 Paul & Joe autumn 2015 Lipsticks CS from the left in cafe Parisien 093, Coffee Cherry 094, cafe Espresso 095; as well as the $7 Lipstick situations CS from the left in 030, 020 as well as 028

Lipstick CS components as well as benefits

Cocoa Seed Butter — Emollient

Jojoba Seed Oil — Emollient

Lavender Oil — Emollient

Orange flower Water — Moisturizer

White Lily Extract — moisturizer as well as avoids irritation

I likewise believe it’s extremely great exactly how the center feline cylinders blend so well with their surrounding lipstick colors as well as exactly how the two punchier tubes — Coffee Cherry 094 (the red with a nude beige in the center) as well as cafe Parisien 093 (the hot pink with a milky beige in the center) — produce a subtle gradient impact when you apply them.


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But for the gradient impact to truly work well, you have to abstain from scrubing your lips together, which is something I impulsively do. Not the end of the world, though, since I likewise like exactly how these look when they’re mixed together.

Paul & Joe autumn 2015 Lipstick CS in Coffee Cherry 094
Paul & Joe autumn 2015 Lipstick CS in cafe Parisien 093
Paul & Joe autumn 2015 Lipstick CS in cafe Espresso 095
Please note the tabbies
And let me tell ya, it is difficult to not rub my lips together when I wear these since of exactly how great they feel. They’re smooth as well as incredibly moisturizing (I half expected to see catnip among the listing of ingredients).

Much like the MAC Patentpolish Lip Pencils, they feel slick as well as light (but still extremely moisturizing), as well as I’m a huge fan of the old-fashioned flavor as well as scent, which remind me of the French violet difficult candies my granny would get me from the Oriental store back in the day (NOM).

Wear time-wise, they’re once again similar to the MAC Patentpolishes. I get about two or three hours.

Paul & Joe Lipstick CS in Coffee Cherry 094
Paul & Joe Lipstick CS in Espresso 095
Paul & Joe Lipstick CS in cafe Parisien 093
Paul & Joe autumn 2015 Lipstick CS swatches from the left: Coffee Cherry 094, cafe Parisien 03 as well as cafe Espresso 095


The Paul & Joe Lipstick CS bullet refills (from the gold tube part as much as the wax bullets) are $20 each, as well as the refillable Lipstick CS situations (the bottom part of the tube as well as the cover) are $7 each. They’ll be offered for a restricted time on the internet as well as at Paul & Joe counters August 2015.

PRICE: $20 for every of the three autumn lipsticks as well as $7 for every case
AVAILABILITY: restricted edition, coming August 2015 to Paul & Joe counters as well as online
MAKEUP as well as beauty blog RATING: A- (super adorable as well as moisturizing, however a restricted wear time)

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