Make-up a Charm Blog Blog Pondelok Ankety, Vol. 676
So…what is the Monday Poll?
Vynikajúca otázka! Nie je to, na rozdiel od svojho mena, skutočný prieskum, ako s malými tlačidlami CLICKY. Je to len zoznam piatich oveľa viac či menej náhodných otázok, ktoré som vysielal na tomto blogu každý pondelok ráno na minulosť Quadrilion rokov (od roku 2007). Milujem čítanie vašich odpovedí, a to mi pomáha dostať môj týždeň na dobrý štart. ?
1. would you rather be a ninja or a pirate?
Ninja! They wear all black (a good color for me) and typically aren’t on a boat (I get seasick easily). And, generally, they seem to be less stinky than pirates?! I dunno if any of this is true, but in my mind it is. LOL!
2. camping or glamping?
Camping if someone else sets up and breaks down the campsite. Glamping if I have to be the adult and do it, ha!
3. What lipstick were you really into when you first started wearing makeup?
My first “fancy lady” lipstick was a very light creamy magenta by Clinique — very late ’80s! I loooovede seeing that silver case in my hand when it was time to touch up. I was also really into Revlon lipsticks back then too.
4. how typically do you stay up past 3 a.m.?
I’m typically up during the witching hour, but it’s never on purpose. anybody want some insomnia? I’ll give it to you for free!
5. A silly worry you have?
I’m irrationally scared of earthworms. especially the long ones.
Mačky a make-up mikiny?
42 dolárov
Nakupuj teraz
6. What’s the best room in the house?
I love my living room in the afternoon; it’s comfortable and has the best light.
7. What part of doing makeup are you best at?
I think I’m pretty good at getting base makeup to look like skin. Also, once upon a time, smokey eyes used to be my jam!
8. What cartoons did you view when you were a kid?
Scooby Doo was always on at the babysitter’s house. I also remember He-Man and She-Ra being a big deal.
9. Do you text or call more?
I text more, even though I’m the world’s slowest texter!
Vaše priateľské kúzlo kúzlo,
P.S. Tu sú otázky na kopírovanie / paste s odpoveďami v komentári. Čoskoro hovorte s tebou.
1. would you rather be a ninja or a pirate?
2. camping or glamping?
3. What lipstick were you really into when you first started wearing makeup?
4. how typically do you stay up past 3 a.m.?
5. A silly worry you have?
6. What’s the best room in the house?
7. What part of doing makeup are you best at?
8. What cartoons did you view when you were a kid?
9. Do you text or call more?
P.p.s. hi and pleased Monday, my stunning friend! how goes it on your end? I’m doing alright today. The sun’s out, I’m drinking coffee best now… Overall, I’m feeling optimistic about the week ahead.
I’m shocked to hear myself say this out loud, but yesterday I *did something* over the weekend. I know, what even is going out anymore?
Our fam-bam went to SF to see the Immersive Van Gogh Exhibit. have you heard of it?
It’s kind of like a Van Gogh painting brought to life. You stand in this substantial room (in socially distanced circles that are projected on the floor) as some of Van Gogh’s many well-known paintings are projected onto the walls with music playing in the background. As you’re taking a look at the paintings, parts of them actually relocation and flow with the music, so you feel like you’re standing in the middle of a living, breathing work of art. IT WAS SO COOL. My favorite part was the well-known Irises painting; it started with what looked like dirt being projected on the walls, then we saw roots elongating and growing, then leaves shooting upwards and out of the roots, and then the flowers eventually budding and blooming. It was an explosion of color! I even got a little teary because I was so overwhelmed with how stunning it was.
If you ever get the chance to go, I highly recommend it.