Archives 2022

theBalm Instain blushes

This post is dedicated to Rachael of Helpless Whilst drying – she recently posted a review of the theBalm’s Nude’Tude palette and asked for recommendations on other theBalm products to try.  I recommended their Instain blushes, and she asked if I had a blog entry on them – I didn’t, so here it is!

theBalm Instain Long-wearing staining Powder Blushes are offered in 6 shades and I own 4 of them:

L – R: Lace, Houndstooth, Toile, Swiss Dot

They cost CAD $31 / USD $22 for 5.5g so they’re not cheap, but I love them so much that I’ll likely get the other 2 remaining colours.

theBalm Instain blushes are one of the most – if not the most – pigmented and long wearing blushes I’ve ever come across.  These are powder blushes that seem to stain the skin. A tiny – tiny – bit is all that’s needed on the brush for each cheek.  This is especially important with this formula since not only is it pigmented, it has “staining” properties – so if you over apply, it’s quite challenging to remove or blend away.

The packaging of these blushes are very slim – housed in sturdy cardboard “books” (that look like magazine covers) with magnetic closures.  They measure 2×3″, and contain a mirror inside, making them terrific for travelling.

Lace: cool bright pink (matte)

This was my first foray into the Instain blushes – the colour was unique to my collection at the time and I had seen several online positive reviews on these blushes.  I was hooked after this one!  (I did note down that this blush cost me CAD $28 and then subsequently, the prices increased to CAD $31 within the year).

Houndstooth: neutral mauve  (satin)

Toile: strawberry pink (satin)

This pan has some darker spots in it, so I thought I got a defective one.  But when I went back to the counter to exchange, the SA opened a few up and they were all like that. It doesn’t affect the performance but maybe something to do with the red pigment?

Swiss Dot: peach (matte)

Here are all 4 colours together (even though Swiss Dot is called a matte, I feel there’s a slight sheen).

They do leave a slight stain behind:

They don’t stain my cheeks since I wear them on top of foundation / powder which act as a barrier.  I recommend these blushes if you’re willing to work with them; they would be wonderful for darker skin tones or those with oily skin who find blushes don’t last on them.  Invest in a duo-fibre stippling or a loosely packed bristled brush (and tap off the excess) to make applying these a breeze (see my post on bright blushes).  In Canada, theBalm cosmetics is available at Rexall.

Next year I will get the other 2 that I don’t own:

Edit: I finally picked up these 2 shades from Hautelook.

• highly pigmented
• extremely long lasting
• Slim and sturdy packaging
• Wearable colours
• Bez krutosti

• may be difficult to work with for some
• At $31, slightly more expensive than other mid-range brands (compare with Clinique Cheek Pop at $24 for 4g or MAC at $26 for 6g)

Stash Hodnoty: 9/10

Ingredient list, click to enlarge.
Have you tried these Instain blushes?  Or other theBalm blushes?

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Best of bright blushesBright blushes are perfect for summertime – they look especially gorgeous against tanned skin.  But fair skinned gals, don’t let bright blushes scare you – they add a flush of colour when dusted on lightly at the apple of the cheeks.  Put your sunglasses on – here are some of my…
July 30, 2015In “Beauty”

Favourites Lately: Mid-2016I started doing quarterly favourites this year since monthly favourites don’t work for me, as my favourites tend to remain fairly static month over month. but with the changing seasons, I do find a shift in my skincare and makeup, so I’m able to pick some some seasonal favourites to…
5. júla 2016in “Krása”

My first HauteLook Order! (TheBalm Haul)In my “final” Hauluary post, I mentioned that I was waiting for a couple more shipments – this is one of them!  In mid-January, I heard about TheBalm being on HauteLook for 50% off from Kaily – I was both excited and a little bit apprehensive. I’ve contemplated for years about…
February 20, 2017In “Beauty”

Project focus 10: Smashbox double exposure palette

We made it! It’s the final product review for project focus 10!  All of us are examining eye shadow palettes today so be sure to check out everyone’s articles – links at the bottom of the post.

I got the Smashbox double exposure Palette last November during buyers drug Mart optimum points redemption event:

So it was “free” but it usually retails for $45 CAD.

There are 14 colours in the palette, each consisting of 1.21g for a total of 17g. the box also comes with a deluxe sample of full exposure mascara which I haven’t tried yet.

L až r:
Top row: Silver, Mauve, Peony, Blanc, Quartz, Flushed, Veiled
Bottom row: Midnight, Temper, Haze, Noir, Copper, Fig, Espresso

The colour names are labelled on the back – I wish the names were ideal on the front of the palette along side the shades.

There, that’s better!

All of the shades in the top row are shimmers and metallic, and the bottom row have a mixture of mattes (Noir, Fig and Espresso), the rest are shimmers and satins except for Copper which is metallic. There are a mix of both warm (left side of the palette) and cool (right side) shades but nothing in overly extreme ends of the spectrum.  It’s a versatile palette and can create a wide combination of eye looks.

At first glance, this is like any other eye shadow palette, but its claim to fame is that each shade can be used dry or wet. Smashbox claims:
• 14 shadows that become 28—just activate with water!
• Each shadow transforms in 1 of 4 ways, thanks to coated pigments that create multiple effects when wet
• shadows won’t glaze over

Smashbox supplied a guide on how each shade changes with water:

The 4 ways that the colours turns when applied wet: turns metallic, amps up vibrancy, adds sparkle, or gets deeper.

I’ve swatched each shade dry and wet side by side:

You can see that a lot of of the shades don’t benefit from being applied wet! In fact, some colours do worse – the mattes are horrible when applied wet – streaky and patchy. Copper and Veiled look dulled when applied wet. I’d say the only shade that looks like a “new” colour when applied wet is Midnight. other shades apply smoother, acting like cream shadows, as evident in Flushed, Haze and Mauve. Overall, I do not feel like I got “double” the amount of colours, which is really disappointing. I can verify that the pans do return back to their normal state after being dampened – there is a minor shine to the surface but no hardening of the powders. This is visible in the photo below showing the palette in its current state after usage:

I’ve been wearing this palette on and off for the past couple of months and there’s a guaranteed pattern of usage: Quartz, Flushed, Mauve and Copper a lot more of a dip than any other pans. I also like Haze and Fig; and Veiled makes respectable highlighting shade. My least used shades are Silver, Blanc, Peony, Midnight, temper and Noir.  The quality is also not consistent between the finishes – the metallics outperform the other finishes (pigmented and smooth), whereas the mattes are not my favourites – a bit dry and tough to blend.

A selling feature of this set was the inclusion of #SHAPEMATTERS insert with how-to’s for 6 eye shapes (BONUS! the box states).  Whoop-dee-doo.  I took a picture of it and them immediately lost the thing.

One of the greatest misses for me is that there isn’t a matte transition colour in the whole palette. This prevents the palette being a stand alone one.  I typically pull out my Smashbox nude eye shadow single to compensate – it’s a warm tan colour that works with any eye look.  Also, I must note that the eye shadow single felt so buttery and smooth compared to the mattes in the palette – not the same quality at all.

The packaging is fine – made of a mix of strong cardboard and plastic, measuring 17cm x 7.5cm and 1.8cm high – just too large and bulky for me to ever take travelling. I do like that the lid opens and lays flat and includes a good sized mirror.

The palette comes with a dual ended brush which Smashbox states:
Domed side: absorbs just the ideal amount of water for impactful color
angled side: creates a exact line when wet, a diffused line when dry

The brush is actually quite nice! Both sides are beneficial – the shader side is good for packing on the colour and for blending, and the angled side for a lot more in-depth work like smoking out the corners or lining the lash line.

I was shocked to see the price of this palette at only $45 CAD – it’s superb value with 14 full-sized eye shadows (works out to approx $3.20 each). I think the price was reduced? because I read posts from 2014 when the palette was first launched and they list the price as $52 USD and now it’s showing up as $39 USD.  I find it telling when companies do that. recently I was at the Nars counter and they were telling me that they lowered their NARSissist L’Amour, Toujours L’Amour Eyeshadow palette from $90+ down to $76 CAD – I guess theNikdy nepredávajte?

Očné tiene sú vyrobené v USA a kefa je vyrobená v Číne. Smashbox je k dispozícii na Sephora a kupujúcich Drug Mart Appeal Boutiques v Kanade.

• pigmentovaný
• Ľahko hladké a zmesi
• Univerzálny rozsah farieb a povrchov
• dobrá hodnota
• Dodávaná kefa je užitočná

• Chýbajúci Matte Transition Shade
• Použitie mokra nemusí nevyhnutne viesť k zmene odtieňa
• Nie príliš dlhé nosenie – niektoré vyblednuté o 6 hodnotou
• Pravidelne používajte iba 4 odtiene z 14

Stash Worthiness: 6/10

Nepáči sa mi to, ale je to palety, ako je to, čo mi pripomína, prečo nemám veľa veľkých formátových palety. Sú to len odpady, pretože som skončil s použitím len hŕstky priložených odtieňov. Nechcem odradiť ľudí z nákupu to – kvalita očného tieňa je celkom dobrá – ale len viete, že nedostanete 28 odtieňov, len 14. Máte túto paletu, aké sú vaše myšlienky?

Zostal naladený – budúci týždeň budeme písať naše záverečné myšlienky o tom, ako sme urobili na našom projekte Focus 10!

Prosím, choďte pozrieť na môj Collab Clan pre ich projekt Focus 10 príspevkov:
♦ Ingrid Curly.springsom
♦ Jodi brash postoj
♦ Šťastie štýlov s radosťou

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Lise Watier Jednoducho Nudes Eyeshadow Palettei sa ponáhľali, aby sa táto recenzia, pretože som nemohol držať na testovanie tohto šteňa von a zdieľať moje myšlienky. Lise Watier Jednoducho Nudes 12-Color Eyeshadow Palette je z variácií de Nude Spring 2016 Kolekcia: Ja som zanedbával môj projekt Focus 10 palety (Smashbox Double Exposure), takže …
25. februára 2016in “Krása”

Sonia Kashuk Eye na Neutral Shimmer PaletteYet Ďalšie TargetGate ™ Položka na preskúmanie, Sonia Kashuk Eye na Neutral Shimmer 03 Eye Shadow Palette ($ 20 Cieľ). Pôvodne som bol na love za všetky matné verzie tejto palety, ale vzhľadom na to, že boli všetci vypredané, usadil som sa na lesk. Paleta obsahuje …
8. apríl 2015in “Krása”

Bareminerals REGAL šatníková skriňa PaletteFinally! Po tom, čo som to vlastnil pre oveľa viac ako rok, som sa dostal na to, aby som sa snažil a teraz ho skúmať. Hoci táto konkrétna paleta už nie je k dispozícii, dúfam, že moja revízia produktov pomôže získať zmysel pre lisované produkty Bareminerals vo všeobecnosti. Som veľa oboznámení s …
21. februára 2017in “Krása”

Hosť Blogger Week, Deň 2: Stashieho lekciu, NO-Kúpiť 101

Pozrite sa na môj prvý príspevok na hosť na Valenina’s Blog!

Valentina Sofía

Som samozvaný odvolanie Junkie, ktorý sa pustil na rok-dlhý no-buy na make-up a starostlivosť o pleť. MY BLOG, STASHMATTERS, zameriava sa na zobrazenie môjho aktuálneho make-upu Sash s recenziami a vzorkovníkmi mojej zbierky. Moja moc-milovaná make-up položky sú očné tieň, lak na nechty a červenať. Bývam v Toronte, Kanada.

Takže chcete sa vydať na no-buy? Neviem, kde začať? Momentálne som na make-up / starostlivosť o pleť bez nákupu za celý rok 2015, blíži sa k posledným 4 mesiacom môjho cieľa. Tu je užitočný sprievodca pre všetky zjazdy make-up, ktorí si môžu uvedomiť, že môžu mať problém.

Po prvé, sú si istí, že naozaj potrebujete ísť na no-buy? Urobte si tento krátky kvíz:

1) Vlastníte oveľa viac ako 5 základov?

2) Dostávate rovnaký odtieň rúže a znovu a teraz vlastníte 14 MLBB odtieň?

3) Dosiahli ste Sephora …

Zobraziť pôvodný príspevok 695 oveľa viac slov

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Moje blogovanie Hlavné body boli procrastinácia pri dokončení tejto záznamu vzhľadom na to, že to bude môj uzávierkový príspevok. Ale dosť oneskorenia – musí sa to urobiť. To bude pomerne seba-zhovievavý post … Spočiatku som neplánoval robiť príspevok, ako je toto, aby uzavrel blog, ale vaše komentáre …
12. marec 2018in “Krása”

REAL NEP BLOG AWARDEI bol trojnásobný nominovaný v nedávno pre skutočné ocenenie Blog! : D Pravidlá! 1) Dajte logo ocenenia na svoj blog. 2) Odpoveď 7 Otázky položené osobou, ktorá vás nominovala. 3) Ďakujeme osobe, ktorá vás nominovala, prepojenie na ich blog. 4) nominovať ľubovoľný počet bloggerov …
25. apríl 2015in “Krása”

Som na Apelt Podcast! Je to so zmesou trepidácie a giddy vzrušenia, že som oznamoval svoj prvý vzhľad na beauty podcast! Existuje niekoľko možností na počúvanie Podcast: Google Play iTunes Buzzsprout Stitcher Je to ja! Mať chat s mačkou! Hovoríme o make-up a náhodné veci – je to …
15. júl 2016in “Krása”

New Revlon Mascaras: ultimate All-in-One as well as volume + length Magnified

I assumption I’m on a drugstore kick lately, yesterday with the Maybelline SuperStay foundation, as well as today I’m reviewing 2 Revlon mascaras from their recent revamp of their mascara offering:

• ultimate All-in-One (red cap)
• volume + length Magnified (blue cap)

I can’t keep in mind the last time I bought a Revlon mascara. perhaps the grow Luscious? That was years ago! as well as it never appealed to me sufficient to repurchase it. To me, Revlon excel at a great deal of products – foundation, lipstick, nail polish – but mascaras are not one of their strengths.  And mascaras are money cows for cosmetics business – exactly how often do we (“have to”) replace mascaras, as well as exactly how many mascaras do we seem to have open at when (if you have just ONE mascara open right now, please comment below, as well as I don’t believe you!)  It’s a very lucrative market at the drugstore – just look at exactly how wide the assortment is, as well as exactly how commonly business introduce new mascaras.

So it was about time that Revlon overhauled their mascara collection! as well as the new collection is extremely impressive, with formulas to cater to different needs: length, volume, both, drama:

They even called it a Mascara Revolution!

I chosen up the volume + length Magnified (blue cap) very first since I liked the look of the wand as well as I’m excited at the prospect of a mascara that provides both volume as well as length. It features a typical bristle wand that is rather full as well as somewhat larger than typical (but not jumbo sized).

For me, the formula delivers more on volume than length however it did provide decent length to my lashes. What impressed me most was that it might hold a curl, as well as it did not smudge beneath my eyes! There was a tendency to deposit clumps upon application however I am able to comb out the clumps with my metal lash comb.  The description states there are fibres in this formula however I didn’t notice any type of on the wand or my lashes.

The results were feathery lashes that almost rival what I can accomplish with CoverGirl’s LashBlast volume (but CG LB is more water resistant as well as voluminous).  I rate this 8/10

I ended up being thinking about the ultimate All-in-One (red cap) because of radiant evaluations on the internet about exactly how incredible the wand was, as well as exactly how excellent the formula was for lifting the lashes.  It features a silicone wand, with a mini brush head that’s oval shaped:

Is it me, or does the close up of the wand look like the underbelly of a cockroach…?
The formula is rather wet, as well as somewhat goopy. It was a genuine difficulty to not totally glue my lashes together – it made my 7 lashes look like 3! Also, I commonly got the mascara on my eyelids because of the wet formula, as well as even over time, it didn’t dry out to the point that it stopped being goopy. In terms of length as well as volume, it was just typical in both departments.  Here’s a situation where being Jack of all trades, means it’s master of none.

But, I can see why some people would like this formula, it holds a curl like a water resistant mascara does even though it’s not marketed as a water resistant formula. It likewise did not smudge under my eyes. Unfortunately, like water resistant mascaras, this irritated my eyes whenever I used it.  I rate this 6/10

They retail for C$10.99 each as well as I got mine during a 30% off sale.  Here’s exactly how these 2 Revlon mascaras rate against a few of my favourite mascaras:

Below are the official illustrations that demonstrate the results one can accomplish utilizing these mascaras (Ultimate All-in-One on the left, as well as volume + length Magnified on the right):

Zdroj. I’d like to someday create an eye picture of my own eye to go along with my mascara reviews!

I have mixed feelings about the packaging. The tubes are unnecessarily bulky, I feel. But, I do like that they are not cylindrical so they don’t roll off a flat surface. And, I like the smooth look of the general collection with the matte tube as well as coloured caps to differentiate between the types.  I’m thinking about trying the drama one next, since the bristles look similar to the CG LashBlast, likewise perhaps since the cap is purple. as well as purple is my favourite colour.

Now please, Revlon, it’s time to upgrade your eye shadows. The old wet / dry formula, Mattes, or even the custom Eyes were great. The present choice isn’t doing anyone any type of favours.

Have you tried the new Revlon mascaras? What’s your present favourite drugstore mascara?

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Hauluary 2017 – Make-up, rovnako ako pleť, keď sa pozerám na všetko spolu takto, ako toto, verím, že som trochu odvedený s make-upom ťahanie … Avšak, keď sa tu trochu vyzdvihnete, trochu tam sa to nezdá Ako je to toľko! ,) Nebol som schopný ísť na aktuálny deň boxu …
25. január 2017in “Krása”

Projekt Focus 10: L’Oreal objemný motýľ Mascaralucky # 7 of the Job Focus Focus 10 Hodnotenie je L’Oreal objemný Butterfly Mascara: Snažil som sa dosť veľa každej maskary L’Oreal, kedy sa kedysi vydala, pretože sa stále snažím objaviť náhradu Moja drahá – Avšak prerušiť – L’Oreal Bare Naturale Mascara. Robí to pre mňa? Po prvé, …
14. marca 2016in “Krása”

Mary Kay Haul, ako aj hodnotenie intenzity lashovej intenzity Mascara, rovnako ako Lash Primeri majú dobrý priateľ, ktorý ponúka Mary Kay, ako aj pochopiť o mojom make-up závislosti – číta tento blog! Takže keď Mary Kay spustila novú, mnoho poháňanú o Mascare, informovala ma, že musím to vyskúšať. Samozrejme, musel som umiestniť objednávku. Nevideli by ste to, Mascara …
26. júla 2016in “Krása”

Teeez nail Lacquer in Melted Copper

This is unusual for me, this polish is the newest in my collection as well as I decided to wear it almost right away. usually polishes languish in my untrieds stack for months as well as months… however this is just so different as well as gorgeous in its bottle that I had to get it on my nails pronto!

Teeez nail Lacquer in Melted Copper is a metallic corally copper with a scattered holographic shimmer.

Like many nail polish fiends, I have a weakness for holographic shimmers (or holos as they’re understood in nail polish circles).  I mean, just look at this rainbowy stunner:

The polish has great protection in just one coat:

Adding one more coat achieves bottle colour:

The scattered holo shimmer is not super strong, as well as is most apparent under direct bright light:

At very first I believed the colour would register as an autumn shade however I believe it has sufficient coral rather than a rusty undertone that it works for spring too.

It’s what I’d phone call an office appropriate bling shade, as well as unique to my collection.

The clean has a slight flatness, as well as is not as well wide. It’s similar to the size of Essie brushes:

Besides the fantastic formula as well as colour, Teeez Cosmetics does packaging truly well:

But argh, the misuse of the apostrophe for plural! It’s “aromas”, not “aroma’s”…

The colourful artwork around the handle is just a sticker wrap though:

At $15 CAD for 8.5ml of polish, it’s a bit steep.  Most polishes contain 15ml. The polish is just noted as “made in EU” which might be any type of of the 28 countries (Poland? Luxembourg?)

I just noticed that the brand name is really called Teeez stylish Cosmetics. Hehe, for some reason that sounds so 90’s to me, like Caboodles Cosmetics.

As for the wear time, I can’t truly speak to it since I’ve only had this on for 3 days, however so far so good. I’ll be getting gel polish used at the salon later this week in preparation for my trip to Japan!

What’s your favourite holographic nail polish?

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New to Me: Teeez CosmeticsI heard about Teeez Cosmetics being offered at Hudson’s Bay from Jodi of A Brash mindset a couple of weeks ago. then I occur to walk by the beauty Underground section in the Bay downtown as well as saw the new counter that has been set up (sadly, it replaced the Anna…
2. mája 2016in “Krása”

Burberry nail polish No. 200 Steel GreySince the weather condition is turning a bit cooler, I believed I’d lastly wear this polish which I bought in January during one of my crazy no-holds-barred hauls: Steel Grey caught my eye since of its greige tone as well as golden shimmer. as well as let’s be frank, that Burberry packaging suckers me in…
November 8, 2016In “Beauty”

Hauluary 2017 – nail PolishNail polish haulage deserve its own post! 😎 I have no regrets! 😛 Again, these are all bought on different gos to / on the internet orders – many were in conjunction with the makeup that I hauled. 😉 Sephora • formula X holiday 2016 X In The City mini nail polish Set…
January 27, 2017In “Beauty”

Trash stash 2015 summary

A “side effect” of my No-Buy was the opportunity to dig into my stash and use up what I already owned.  I didn’t think of that I would actually go through so lots of products each month! and now checking out the full year as a whole, I’m quite pleased of my accomplishments.

12 months’ worth of empties!

Stats of my trash Stash:
• I documented 173 finished products during 2015 (133 were full-size products and 40 were sample / travel size)
• On average, I finished 14.4 products (full and sample size) each month
• The highest number of products I used up was 28 in October and the lowest was 7 (Jan and Feb tied)
• The average rating I gave to all the products was 7.8 out of 10
• Skincare was the main product type I finished up (46%) followed by body / hair products (36%) and then makeup [mostly mascaras and base products] (18%)
• I noted that I would repurchase 52% of what I used up, 38% I would not repurchase, and 10% I may repurchase

However it’s crucial to note that lots of of the items that I wouldn’t repurchase do not necessarily indicate I don’t like the products… lots of of the products are discontinued and I can’t repurchase!

If you’ve missed any of my empties / trash stash post, here they all are:

January 2015

February 2015

March 2015

April 2015

May 2015

June 2015

July 2015

August 2015

September 2015

October 2015

November 2015

December 2015

Looking forward to trash stash 2016!

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Trash stash 2016 SummaryI started this tradition last year and I’ll continue as long as I keep up with my empties.  This is what 12 months’ worth of empties looks like: 😮  And considering that I have last year’s trash stash stats, I can also do some year over year comparisons! This post took…
January 6, 2017In “Beauty”

Trash Stash: Máj 2017This Mesiac bol mesiac dokončovania veľa starostlivosti o pleť tváre: Dokončil som obaja mojej aj nočné krémy, plus banda iných životne dôležitých tvárových produktov. So odd how that happens. Skincare Shiseido Bio-Performance advanced incredibly Revitalizing cream – $94 for 50ml This is my HG nighttime…
6. júna 2017in “Krása”

Trash Stash: February 2016And in a blink of an eye, February is gone! Here’s what I used up this month. Kiehl’s Creme de Corps Soy Milk & Honey Whipped Body Butter – $46 for 226g (Kiehl’s stores and online) I examined the Coriander version of this last year where I pointed out that I’ll likely…
March 1, 2016In “Beauty”

Pád do jesenného štítku

Bol som označený radosťou z štýluwithjoy, aby som to urobil, ako aj preto, že jeseň sa rýchlo skĺzol od nás, som si ponáhľal, rovnako ako odpoveď, Pronto! Vďaka potešenie pre tagovanie ma na tomto, vždy sa môžem spoľahnúť na vás!

1. Zahrnúť odkazy blogu tvorcov štítkov (Lilian, ako aj Denise).
2. Povedzte vďaka poslednej osobe, ktorá vás označila, rovnako ako prepojenie svojich blogov vo vašom príspevku.
3. Buďte premýšľaní, ako aj inovatívne, keď odozvate tieto otázky.
4. Po odpovedi na otázky, prejdite na štítok aspoň päť oveľa viac blogov, aby ste rozšírili jesennú radosť!

1. Aká je vaša go-to jesenná farba?
Šedá. Rovnako ako všetky odtiene sivej. Budem nosiť hlavu na špičku sivej – drevené uhlie s holubicou farebné top! Nemám sivé topánky – čo je s tým.

2. Keď veríte na jeseň, akú melódiu sa týka mysle?
Hmm Musím veriť o tomto … Presne Ako sa o Neil Young, zbierať Mesiac:

3. Počas pádu, ktorý vzor sa opierate o viac, dymové oko alebo tmavý pery?
Nechcem ísť extrémne s dymovým okom alebo temným okrajom. Predpokladám, že by som uviedol, že som kamarátka tmavšia pery, keď sa počasie stane chladnejšie. Láska tento vzhľad:

4. Upravujete svoju rutinu starostlivosti o pleť, keď je jeseň?
Určite! Požiadal som veľa väčšej hydratácie, ako aj vrstiev vlhkosti. Všeobecne prepĺňam svoj deň, ako aj nočné zvlhčovače, rovnako ako pridať v oveľa viac hydratačné sérum počas noci. Urobil som publikciu na moje jeseň starostlivosti o pleť.

5. Aká je vaša preferovaná vec o páde?
Dostať sa do režimu hibernácie! To znamená stravovanie veľkých množstiev potravín pri nákupe na zvýšenie tukov na tele.


6. Radšej pôjdete na prechádzku alebo zostaňte v domácnosti počas pádu?
Hibernácia režim bol aktivovaný! Budem vo vnútri pod dekou, jesť zemiaky s kašou, rovnako ako pitie horúce čokolády s malými marshmallows!

Som usmerňovač istič, takže nebudem obzvlášť nominovať nikoho, keď sa cítite úplne slobodne urobiť túto značku!

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Ripstick Tagyay, môj ťah, môj ťah! Veľkolepá Sam glam so Samom ma označila. Keby ma neznala, urobila by som nejakú fiktívnu osobu, ktorá ma “označila”, takže by som mohol urobiť túto značku! Vďaka Sam, za to, že ma budete musieť vyrábať online kamaráti! : P …
4. mája 2015in “Krása”

Dostaňte sa na pochopenie mi tag, Charm Blog Writer Editioni bol označený krásny Ryane Zamora Charm to urobiť. Trochu chápela, že tajne budem robiť tento štítok, aj keď ma nikto neurobil (ale teraz vyzerám, že mám priatelia, rovnako ako som v pohode. Áno.) Videl som tento štítok s názvom “Dostaň sa …
21. apríl 2015in “Krása”

Mikintričná počasie Podmienka Tagi’ve videl tento štítok na rôznych blogoch, vrátane: Ahoj Kadaily, leštené Amy, Rylie * Štýl, ChicandPolished, Autorium však pomenovať niekoľko! Mám rád na jeseň, rovnako ako som chcel urobiť tento štítok aspoň pred týždňom, ale tu je to vec o zmene sezóny: prináša lenivosť vo mne. Toto …
4. októbra 2015in “Krása”

Project focus 10: Guerlain lingerie De Peau BB

Alert: I’m experiencing some technical difficulties today with my individual ID. Všetky moje pripomienky k blogom idú do ich spamových komentárov. I can only “like” a publish however none of my comments are displaying. Please inspect in your comment spam folder to see if there may be something in there as well as release my comments or else my individual ID will be permanently labelled as spam as well as I can’t leave additionally comments on your blogs. You understand exactly how I like to leave comments – this makes me sad! I’ve cleared my cache as well as I’ve requested assist from WordPress however haven’t heard anything yet.

Last week I introduced the collaboration Project focus 10 partnership as well as showed the 10 products that I’ll be focusing on for the next 10 weeks.  Today is the very first of the series of a lot more in-depth evaluations on one of the items: Guerlain lingerie De Peau BB appeal Booster undetectable Skin-Fusion Multi-Perfecting makeup SPF 30:

I will not be examining them in buy from 1-10. Robím si čo chcem!

I have this in 01 Light as well as it is offered in 3 shades, ranging from fair to medium skin tone.  It retails for $62 for a 40ml tube as well as is offered at Hudson’s Bay as well as choose buyers medication Mart appeal Boutiques.

The BB cream comes in a slender tube which likewise has a pump under the cap. compared to other Guerlain packaging, this is downright utilitarian, however I truly like its simplicity.

The pump dispenses a little amount of product per pump which I like – one pump is sufficient for a thin layer to cover my entire face. This product is likewise rather buildable.

The colour 0 Light is on the pink side as well as somewhat as well light for me, however, if I apply a sheer layer, it blends into my skin fine.  This BB cream, suprisingly, packs rather a bit of coverage. I would phone call the protection a medium satin matte – it’s not dewy like a lot of other BB creams on the market. I can apply this with my fingers to supply a seamless finish, however, the very best method to apply this I’ve discovered is with a makeup sponge because of its thicker consistency. The enduring power is likewise extremely great – I get a bit of radiate in my t-zone by mid-afternoon however nothing that blotting paper can’t solve.

Content-wise, the sunscreen components are a blend of physical as well as chemical: Titanium Dioxide 3.55%, Octinoxate 3.74%, Oxybenzone 1%. other skin benefiting components include: glycerin, glycol, as well as hyaluronic acid. Some may discover these components to be irritating: alcohol (11th on the list), as well as fragrance (mid-way on the component list).  The fragrance to this product is what I would phone call somewhat floral however it’s not excessively offensive to me. The odor reminds me of Nivea’s cream – I suspect the fragrance was added to mask the sunscreen smell.

While I liked the protection as well as finish, I believe for people with sensitivity to scents or cannot discover a appropriate colour within the extremely restricted shade range, I would offer an alternative: MAC’s BB cream. This reminded me a great deal of that protection as well as finish, actually. as well as MAC’s is complimentary of added fragrance (although it does odor a bit like sunscreen), is used in 12 colours as well as costs only $37 for the exact same amount of product.

I’ve had the Guerlain BB cream for just over a year (yes, the tube states expiry after 9M however meh, the product consistency as well as scent is fine) as well as I redeemed optimal points for it so it was “free”. I likely would not repurchase it considering that there are much more affordable BB creams on the market however it was a great to try out a high-end brand’s handle a BB cream. I’ve been using this everyday considering that job focus 10 started as well as my goal is to utilize this up by spring time.

Have you tried this BB cream? What’s your much-loved BB cream?

• High coverage
• great oil control
• consists of SPF 30
• long using on the skin

• restricted shade range
• Fragranced
• drahé

Stash worthiness: 7/10

Notes on the other job focus 10 items:
• I lastly started utilizing the Smashbox double exposure palette! It’s always bittersweet to dip a makeup clean into a perfect, unblemished pan. type of like walking on freshly fallen snow.
• The Orly Nailtrition has been saving my dry wintertime nails like a champ! I’ve only had 2 peeling nails compared to normally 5 or 6.
• last week I tried utilizing the Smashbox picture surface primer Water as a completing spray only – I’m not sure exactly how I feel about it utilizing it for this purpose. I’m going to try utilizing it as a spray before foundation this week instead.

Prosím, prejdite na mojich priateľov Colab pre ich pracovné zameranie 10 príspevku:
♦ Ingrid Curly.springsom
♦ Jodi brash postoj
♦ Šťastie štýlov s radosťou

Hey, it’s the final weekísť do mojich veľmi blízkych vecí prezradí! Zadali ste?

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COLLAB: Pracovné zameranie 10New Rok, Nová spolupráca! To je jeden ďalší brainfild of Miss Ingrid (aka Curly.spring.blossom), ktorý ma priblížil k 10-týždňovým sériám blogu s názvom Job Focus 10. Koncept tejto série je zamerať sa na kozmetické výrobky, aby sa pokúsili buď využiť ich hore, Alebo im dávajte oveľa viac pozornosti: • …
18. január 2016in “Krása”

Projekt Focus 10: Muji Cut Cott Cotton ECRUTODAY’S Pracovné zameranie 10 Hodnotenie nie je make-up, avšak niečo, čo by pomohlo odstrániť make-up; Muji rezané bavlna ECRU: Toto je môj veľa využitia produktu Pracovné zameranie 10 – som ho využil nočný, aby som odstránil môj očný make-up, ktorý vzhľadom na to, že začína táto séria. Môj základ porovnania bude proti Shiseidovi …
21. marca 2016in “Krása”

Projekt Focus 10: Orly Nailtritionit dva dva Dva deň! (22. február; 2-22, heh) som to absolútne urobil. Možno, že svet skončí, keď je Feb2 22, 2222. Nikto z nás nebude používať, takže žiadne starosti. ,) Dnes je v polovici série na polovicu Job Focus 10, rovnako ako budem preskúmať Orly Nailtrition …
22. februára 2016in “Krása”

July 2016 Low-Buy Accountability

July was expected to be the start of my 3 month “No-Buy” because I had overspent in may / June. but wouldn’t you know it, my birthday happened to be in July and I rained birthday gifts down upon myself!

Stalo sa. and it was magnificent. I did also place an purchase from the Body shop for some skincare because for once, I’m actually in need of some items!

A little while ago I went into the Body shop store for a totally free skin analysis and they recommended a few items for me to try. I walked away with a shopping list and a sample of Oils Of Life Intensely Revitalising Sleeping Cream and the corresponding Facial Oil.

I remember Adryana liking the Sleeping Cream, so I’m thrilled to try it.

Then there was a 40% off sale online so I took the plunge:


Drops of youth Bouncy Sleeping Mask
Finally succumbed to the sleeping mask rage. Let’s just call it for what it is – a much more intensive night cream. I will try this for once or twice a week to start off with.

Vitamin E Aqua increase Essence
Not to be confused with the Aqua increase Sorbet, which I’ve used and disliked (dried out my skin). I plan to try this essence with those Muji diy sheet masks I got.

Vitamin E Nourishing night Cream
I’m out of night creams and going through samples. This has great reviews and I’ve delighted in most Vitamin E products.

I chose a sample of the Vitamin E Day cream as my totally free sample.

I managed to stay away from Winners / Marshalls as much as possible last month even though I was faced with this:

but this is the only item I purchased from Winners:

COLAB volume extreme dry Shampoo travel pack trio in Rio, Paris, and London. This is my preferred dry shampoo that I take for travelling.

I randomly picked up the CoverGirl Plumpify blastPro Mascara because it was on sale, and this was a recommendation from Dal of little charm loves.  Since I’m no longer counting mascaras toward my makeup low Buy, this isn’t a cheat!

Lastly, here’s a fun little makeup related, but not actual makeup item  – Paperchase makeup stickers!

I know, I’m a grown adult and I still love stickers! would it be too meta to stick them onto my makeup products?

August and September are going to be really tough. Žiadne výhovorky. No loopholes. Well, unless there’s an optimum Redemption Event.

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June and July 2017 No-Buy-Low-Buy AccountabilityI hadn’t planned on being MIA last week but it was my final week at my old job and it was so busy!  I ended up having a lot of social engagements last week (goodbyes) – being out every night makes it challenging to blog!  Things likely won’t work out down…
August 29, 2017In “Beauty”

February 2016 Low-Buy AccountabilityThis is the first check-in for my 2016 Low-Buy.  For February, I allocated $50 to spend on makeup.  I managed to stay within my budget! 😀 My first makeup purchase of February was in my lush haul at the beginning of the month where I purchased the Sophisticated cream Eyeshadow for $19.95…
March 2, 2016In “Beauty”

August 2016 Low-Buy AccountabilityThe first “real” month of my self-imposed No-Buy, due to my overspending back in may / June. In August, I did pick up a few bits from the drugstore, and Winners, where else? I’ve been surprisingly not too tempted by new launches even with all the fall sneak peeks and…
2. septembra 2016in “Krása”