Farba (y) PANTONE z roku: Zvýšená Quartz & Serenity

Dve farby boli zjavené v tomto roku!

Rose Quartz (Pantone 13-1520) a Serenity (Pantone 15-3919)

Zaujímavé je, že je to veľmi prvý rok Pantone vybral 2 farby, ako aj obidva farby ponúkajú vlastné možnosti v kozmetickom svete. Môžem si predstaviť nádhernú kombináciu červenať s rôznymi zvýšenými odtieňmi Quartz-ish, ako aj pokoj by krásne oko, ako aj nechtové produkty. V jednom z mojich tbtských príspevkov som hádal, že pantone môže vybrať buď žltú alebo modrú. Mám 50% správne!

Prečítajte si viac z Pantone, ako aj WWD.

Aké sú vaše myšlienky o Farbách Pantone 2016 roka?

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TBT: Sephora + Pantone 2012 Farba roka – Tangerine Tangothis Throw Späť Štvrtok sa nevráti tak ďaleko, ale je to Farba oranžová, ktorá je vhodná pre Halloween prichádza. Len pred 3 rokmi, Sephora partnerom s Pantone (univerzálna farebná autorita) na podporu farby roka. V roku 2012 bola farba tangurine tango: je to hlboké …
29. októbra 2015in “Krása”

Kolektívne akvizície na nechty, ktoré ste videli vo včerajšom príspevku, som zasiahol všetkých víťazov, ako aj Marshalls v okruhu 10km môjho domu minulého mesiaca. Páči sa mi takto navštívil môj obľúbený Salon Dodávateľský obchod, ktorý ponúka leštice za cenovo dostupné – stále mali Essie Buy 4 Získajte 2 zdarú ponuku a …
5. februára 2016in “Krása”

Blogmmas Deň 1: Red & Greentoday Som nadšený, že odhaliť spustenie môjho prvého blogmas! Ingrid Curly.springsom prišiel s touto koncepciou, rovnako ako spýtal by som, či by som mal záujem! Takže, Ingrid, Jaily of Ahole Caily, Sharon Sharon Beauty Prime a ja (voláme sami seba samého Babes v Bloglande) bude vysielať 25 po sebe idúcich dní na prázdniny. Naše blogmy budú …
1. december 2015in “Krása”

Tokyo Milk wisdom No 26 perfume

pleased Black Friday!  I may or may not be out trying to nab a deal on winter season boots. I haven’t chose if I’ll brave the crowds.  I might just purchase online.

Today I’m evaluating Tokyo Milk wisdom No 26 perfume.  I’ve heard a lot about Tokyo Milk fragrances – how niche and unique they are; the official name of the company is Tokyo Milk Parfumarie Curiosite, for heaven’s sake.  But, I feel like it’s a very thoroughly manufactured brand image, not as indie or novel as they’d like us to think.

I purchased the eau de parfum of wisdom No 26 purely by chance: last year at around this time in November I was killing time in a little gifty shop – you know the kind, lots of trinkets adorned with whatever is the most recent trend – be it owls, foxes, pandas; necklaces with lightning bolt / mushroom / wishbone pendants, and a section of cutely packaged hand creams and perfumes at greatly marked-up prices.  They were having a 50% off sale on select fragrances, and wisdom No 26 was among the offering.  I snagged this for only $13.50.  I initially purchased it as a back-up present – just in case someone gave me a Christmas present who I wasn’t expecting to receive a gift from, I’d have something to give them back (do you do this – keep spares?)  But in the end, it wasn’t needed and the perfume sat in my stash unopened.  So I chose to open it and keep it for myself!

The presentation of the perfume is exceptional – it’s housed in a glass test tube casing with a cork topper.  The tagline for the scent is: Wisdom: the course of time & observation lead way to its inky depths.

Fragrance Notes: Water Lily, woods + Moss, Walnut, winter season Musk
Fragrantica categorizes this as Floral Woody Musk – I typically steer clear of scents with strong musk so I was a bit wary about wearing this, but I do like lily scents.

Upon opening up the vial, I saw that the rollerball was stuck askew onto the cork base – it just looked so messy.  Then I discovered that the cap on the bottle is crooked!  The threads of the bottle are malformed so that the cap screws on an angle.  I would have been embarrassed if I had given this away as a gift!

But the rollerball works just fine.  I was quite underwhelmed by this fragrance. I smell mostly water lily but it’s very one dimensional, and the staying power was very poor.  Within two hours of applying this, I could no longer smell it on my skin even with my nose best up against my wrist.  Again, happy I didn’t give this away as a present.

Overall: meh.  Maybe a 5. I’ve been so snarky in this review, I ought to give it a 5 for effort.

Not sure if I would venture into other Tokyo Milk fragrances – any fans out there who can sway me into trying another?

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Winners (TJMaxx) / Marshalls HaulageWinners, oh how I love thee! For non-Canadians, Winners is the Canadian version of TJMaxx (or TKMaxx in the UK). It’s owned and operated by the same parent company as Marshalls. Winners used to be the only game in town but now we also have Marshalls (I don’t really understand…
February 4, 2016In “Beauty”

PSA: BBW Waikiki beach Coconut is available again!I might be the only person who is this thrilled to see the re-release of the bath & Body works Waikiki beach Coconut scent again so this post might have 1 like and a few scoffs, but YAY, I thought this scent was never to be seen again (as BBW…
March 15, 2016In “Beauty”

TBT: Tokyo Disneyland featuring Hippity Hoppity springtime Parade!It’s been a while because I’ve done a Throwback Thursday and today’s is timely because it’s spring / Easter themed. 🙂 As you may recall, I went to Japan in May-June of 2016. So nearly a year later, I’m finally posting about my experiences at Tokyo Disneyland! : P Ja som ukázal …
13. apríl 2017in “General”

Japonsko make-up nákupný zoznam

Ako môžete vedieť, čoskoro odchádzam na 2 týždňovú dovolenku do Japonska! NEMÔŽETE POTREBUJETE POTREBUJÚ POTREBUJÚCICH PRIPOJENIA PROSTREDU NA KÚPEČNOSTI PRE FREAKIN ‘Japonsko!

Pred kórejskou kozmetikou vzal svet búrkou, japonský make-up bol primárny orientálny make-up hra v meste. Držam v mysli nalievanie na internetových zdrojoch, aby ste zistili o rôznych japonských značkách, ako aj dcérskych spoločnostiach (Kanebo, Shiseido, Kose, ako aj SANA vlastné podiel Lion na značkách – Shiseido má tak veľa čiastkových značiek, je to ťažké Udržujte ich rovno), a dať veľa objednávok na internete pre japonskú kozmetiku. Teraz, nakoniec som videl túto veci z prvej ruky!

Zdroj fotografie Obrázok

Nebudem vychádzať zo všetkých niektorých produktov, ktoré plánujem kúpiť, pretože ešte naozaj nerozumiem! Avšak zakladanie obchodov, značiek, ako aj produktov, ktoré budem na pozvoľní:


Náš hotel v Tokiu je v oblasti Shinjuku, ktorý je chápaný pre jednu vec: Nakupovanie! Takže budeme ideálne v srdci všetkých hlavných japonských obchodných obchodov. Druhou hlavnou oblasťou nákupu je v Shibuya, ktorú budeme mať záujem. Tu sú niektoré obchody, ktoré budem robiť bod na zastavenie:

• AINZ & TULPE – Toto je odvolací sklad podobný Sephora alebo Ulta. Miesto Shinjuku je relatívne nové, ako aj zrejme dosť veľkolepé.

• @OsMestore – ešte jeden obchod, ktorý sa zameriava len na krásu, majú niektoré samostatné obchody, ale aj obchody s obchodom, vo vnútri lumine, ako aj obchodné domy Marui.
• Isetan – počul som na IG, že táto služba obchodu je TOP NOTCH! Prinášajú tri, ako aj RMK.
• Odakyu – prináša RMK, SK-II, SHU UEMURA, Suqqu, Paul & Joe

• DrugStorecs: Matsumoto Kiyoshi, Seijo, HAC – Avšak však budem visieť na týchto miestach vzhľadom na to, že nebudem blázon s high-end make-up. Osobne verím, že vysoká kvalita japonských produktov na drogériu je omnoho lepšia ako to, čo sa tu dostaneme na západe.

• Daiso – Toto je japonská verzia dolára obchodu (alebo 100 rokov, ¥ 100 je cca $ 1,20 CAD). Pre lacný obchod ponúkajú dobre navrhnuté, slušné vysoko kvalitné rozmanité domy, kozmetiku, ako aj stacionárne. Bol som do 3 obchodov Daiso tak ďaleko: Vancouver, San Fran, rovnako ako Hongkong. Teraz som ísť do lode MOM!

• Don Quijote – Hovoriť o lacnom, chcem skontrolovať tento vlastný vyhlásený “palác extrémnej lacnosti”. Ponúkajú všetky typy whackasy veci, ako aj som skontroloval, že môžete získať balíček 7 masiek pre menej ako 4 dolárov CAD!
• Muji – Aj keď teraz máme Muji v Toronte, neprináša celú škálu produktov. Skontroloval som si Muji v Hong Kongu, ako aj prinášajú farebnú kozmetiku. Tam nie je nič, čo hľadám, ale budem pravdepodobne vyzdvihnúť aspoň jednu vec!

• Uniqlo – nie make-up, ale oblečenie; Toto je japonská verzia medzery! Bol som v obchode Uniqlo v Hongkongu, rovnako ako zásoby na veľké ponuky základov. Samozrejme, že táto značka sa tiež týka Toronta.

• TOKYU RUKCE – Rovnako nie je make-up – to je ako japonská verzia Michaels Craft, ako aj v zábavnom obchode! Pýtam sa presne, koľko priadze, rovnako ako korálky môžem napchať do môjho kufra?


V Japonsku je to tak veľa značiek kozmetiky, je to typ ťažko sledovať ich všetkých! Objavím všeobecnú vysokú kvalitu make-upu, aby ste boli skutočne vysoké, takže sa vo všeobecnosti varí na balenie, ako aj výber farieb.


• Visée, integrovať a médiá – nerozumiem veľa o týchto značkách, s výnimkou toho, že sú subjektom Kose, Shiseido, ako aj Kanebo, ako aj skôr cenovo dostupné. Urobím bod, ktorý získal aspoň jeden produkt z každej značky – počul som, že visée očné tiene sú dobré.

• Lavshuca – je ešte jedna podpora značky Kanebo. Vlastním eyeshadow Quad od nich, ktorý ma zničuje menej, ako aj 10 dolárov, rovnako ako som skutočne ako kvalita.
• Kate – Vyskúšala som niekoľko vecí z tejto značky, ako aj standout produkt bol ich palicu korektor. Naozaj mám rád základné balenie (pripomína mi Bobbi Brown), ako aj všeobecnú kvalitu výrobkov. Chcem vyskúšať rúž ďalej.
• Majolica Majorca – drugstore brand had by Shiseido. They have princess-y packaging as well as I own eye shadows from the brand already. They likewise make fantastic mascaras. Not sure what I’d want from this brand however I understand I will absolutely discover something.

• CanMake – this is a bit bit as well cutesy for my liking – a lot of of their products are sparkly. Their blushers with the bit puffs are wonderful looking as well as I’ve heard their cream blushers are cult favourites. I’ll see if I’m in the mood for incredibly girly stuff.
• Dolly Wink – this brand is understood for their liners. I’ve tried the liquid liner as well as wasn’t as well pleased (it was watery as well as wasn’t that long wearing) so I may pass on this.

Mid range:

• Maquillage – Môj starý HG LASH CURLER bol z Maquillage – je to jedna ďalšia Shiseido Sub-Brand – Avšak, nie som však nič iné, tak som z nich zvedavý, aby som videl, čo ešte ponúkajú, snáď rúž (na základe recenzií, Verím, že ich pozoruhodné topenie rouge je podobné Shiseidovi Best Rouge Rouge).
• Coftret d’Or – Nerozumiem, prečo však zadám zodpovedať tejto značke so starou ženou (ako Elizabeth Arden). Veľké množstvo ich obalov sa na to bling.

• ESPRIQUE, ETTUSAIS, A LUNASOL – Nerozumiem veľa o týchto značkách, okrem toho, že majú celkom balenie, rovnako ako dobre dobre vyšetrené online. Lunasol mi pripomína Clarins, ako aj Ettsais je bitová klinika-esque. Zdá sa, že z nejakého dôvodu ignoruje japonské značky strednej časti.

High End:

• Shu Uemura, ako aj Paul & Joe – som využil na to, aby sme boli skutočne konzumovaní s Shu Uemura, ale uvažuje o tom, že je to tak ľahko ponúknuté, pravdepodobne si to nebude hľadať. Pokiaľ nie sú nejaké Japonsko-exkluzívne položky. presne s P & J.
• Jill Stuart – Nemám skutočne pochopiť, prečo je táto americká značka tak prominentná v Japonsku, avšak v podstate nemá žiadnu existenciu v Severnej Amerike (v tomto ohľade podobnej Anny Sui). Jej balenie je rozmarné, ale zahŕňajú veľkú nákladovú značku. Nie som naozaj nakreslený na estetiku linky, ale budem vziať gander, ak sa to stretnem.

• Závislosť – Je tu očné tiene, ktoré bolo na mojom zozname túžby po celé roky, nazývaný Flash Back (# 69). Len som to dlhujem, aby som to napokon napokon.
• Suqqu – Ah, čo je maximálne v high-end, ako je prominentný Lisa Eldridge. Očné tieň Quad stojí ¥ 8 800, ktorý v súčasnosti konverzný kurz, je $ 105 CAD. Dať do perspektívy, Tom Ford Quad stojí $ 80 USD, čo je približne 100 dolárov CAD. Populárna líca čistá je ¥ 16,200 (~ $ 190 CAD)

• Tri – je to trochu cenovo dostupnejšie ako suqqu (QUADE ~ $ 70 CAD) – pravdepodobne nebudem nič z tejto značky, chcem sa pozrieť na ich pult.
• RMK – mi pripomína Shu Uemura, ale oveľa drahšie. Rúž je ~ $ 50

Za predpokladu, že poskytujem farebné make-up značiek – existujú aj tony značiek, ktoré sa zameriavajú na starostlivosť o pleť ako Allie, Sekkisei, Sofina, SK-II, ANESSA, ALMION, DHC, HABA, ROHTO, FANCL …! Ahhh … Head Explode. Ale verím, že som pravdepodobne nedostal veľa starostlivosti o pleť, pretože sú ťažšie, aby sme sa dostali späť, rovnako ako môžem kúpiť tie na internete namiesto toho.


Pre mňa existuje 4 kľúčové odvolacie produkty, ktoré cítim, že Japonci robia oveľa lepšie ako každý jednotlivec iný:

1) Kefy – Ah krajina nádherných ručne vyrobených kefiek … Hakuhodo, Chikuhodo, Koyudo, Suqqu … Skúste, ako aj zastavte ma od získania make-upu v Japonsku, pokúšam sa vás! (A to sa môže stretcovať … Suqqu Clean nie je úplne mimo otázky!
2) opaľovací krémy na tvári – koncepcia dlhého nosenia, non-mastného, ​​nenápadného opaľovania tváre vznikol v Japonsku. Uvažujem: Allie Ďalšie UV gél Minerálne vlhké Neo SPF 50+, Anessa Best UV Aqua Booster, Biore UV Najlepšie jasne mlieko alebo shigaisen yohou uv krém 4+
3) Pen kvapalinové vložky – majú trh s ohľadom na vodotesné, budge-odolné kvapalinové vložky. Snažil som sa skôr niekoľko japonských tekutých vložiek, ako aj to, že sa dostane do tej miery, že budem nosiť iba vložky vyrobené v Japonsku. Premýšľam o pokuse o integráciu mačacieho vzhľadu tekutého vložky, ktorá je ponúkaná v tmavo hnedej!
4) Mascary – ide o hardcore curling, ako aj ne-kamazívny maskaras, ktoré sa zaoberajú kostnými rovnými, dĺžkovými orientálnymi riasami. Premýšľam o Heroine, aby sa bozkávam ME objem & Curl, Long & Curl, alebo Canmake Gokubuto Mascara. Uistite sa o túto podrobnú príručku!

Som 100% výber štetcom, opaľovací krém, kvapalnú vložku, ako aj maskaru!

Podľa No Indikuje je to vyčerpávajúci zoznam – tých z vás, ktorí si skontrolovali Japonsko pred alebo sú skúsení o japonskej kozmetike – máte nejaký typ návrhov pre mňa?

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Japonský make-up Haul !!! Áno, všetci ste na tom čakali, neboli vy! : P osobne som neveril, že som išiel úplne cez palubu s make-upom. Pre jednu vec som bol nadväzujúci na putovanie okolo Tokiu v noci sám ísť nakupovať. Prečo som musel kúpiť na večeroch, pretože …
17. jún 2016in “Krása”

Japonský make-up Shopping: My Experiencestoday Budem prejsť niekoľko mojich pozorovaní, ako aj skúsenosti pri nákupe na make-up v Japonsku. V ideálnom prípade to bude pomáhať niekomu, kto je k dispozícii, kto môže mať výlet do Japonska. Veľmi prvá vec. There are SO. MANY. BRANDS. It’s overwhelming! In an typical Canadian drugstore, there may be about 8 key…
June 20, 2016V “Krása”

September 2016 Low-Kúpiť účtovnosť Uskutočnili rozhodnutie o tom, aby urobil zásoby odpadky (vyprázdni), publikovať na september Vzhľadom k tomu, že som tak babokovaný s článkami, ale som však absolútne chcel zachytiť moju zodpovednosť za mesiac. Práve tu je niekoľko výrobkov, ktoré sa pridali do môjho staša: Ak chcete obnoviť, za mesiac septembra, …
7. október 2016in “Krása”

Project focus 10: Orly Nailtrition

It’s two Two two Day! (February 22nd; 2-22, heh) I absolutely just made that up. Maybe the world will end when it’s Feb 22, 2222.  None of us will online that long anyway, so no worries.

Today is the halfway point of job focus 10 series as well as I’ll be reviewing Orly Nailtrition nail Strengthener & growth Treatment:

I’ve been utilizing this as my nail treatment considering that mid-December, so I’ve had this on my nails constantly for about 2 months. I gotten my bottle from Sally appeal supply (the only bricks as well as mortar store that offers Orly near me) for $17 for 18ml. (NailPolishCanada likewise stocks it)  It is made in the USA as well as has a suggested lifespan of 3 years from opening.

I’ve checked a hold of different nail strengtheners / hardeners throughout the years including the famed OPI nail Envy (which was just ok, didn’t see a considerable improvement). What offered me on this is what Orly declares on this product:

Strengthen peeling nails as well as stimulate healthier, quicker growth with this advanced formula consisting of collagen, Wheat Protein, Keratin as well as Bamboo Extract.

Peeling nails is what I experience from! I have relatively strong nails that grow just fine, they don’t break or bend or split, however they do tend to peel off in sheets, like this:

My thumb, index as well as middle fingers are a lot of prone to this phenomenon.

I discovered so much about nail treatments from one of my much-loved nail blogs: loodie loodie loodie (she no longer updates however I’m delighted to still have gain access to to her understanding base).  She did a series just on nail hardeners as well as treatments to breaks down crucial components as well as what kinds of nail conditions are finest treated by each.  Prior to Nailtrition, I was devoted to Witchcraft (original formula), which is a formaldehyde based hardener indicated for thin, cracking nails. I don’t have thin cracking nails however I discovered it to work well for me so I just kept utilizing it. however then the Witchcraft original formula was discontinued as well as made formaldehyde-free.  I made a decision to try something new as well as relied on Orly Nailtrition which had great evaluations online.

According to what I discovered from loodie’s blog, Nailtrition is a protein based treatment, however with added moisturizers, as shown in the product’s component listing (items bolded to highlight the key ingredients):

ethyl acetate, butyl acetate, nitrocelluloseadipic acid / neopentyl glycol / trimellitic anhydride copolymer, isopropyl alcohol, propyl acetate, trimethyl pentanyl diisobutyrate, triphenyl phosphate, n-butyl alcohol, stearalkonium bentonite, CI 77163 (bismuth oxychloride), citric acid, dimethicone, CI77891 (titanium dioxide), water (aqua), hydrolized keratin, hydrolyzed wheat protein, hydrolyzed collagen, saccharomyces / calcium ferment, saccharomyces / iron ferment, carthamus tinctorius (safflower) seed oil, bambusa vulgaris extract, CI15850 (red 7)

Protein based nail treatments coupled with moisturizers are perfect for peeling nails.  What mostly triggers peeling nails is the lack of wetness in the nails – my nails are particularly prone to peeling during the chilly bitter wintertime months. as well as I’m a regular hand washer – it’s chilly & flu season, as well as I take no chances!

Apologies for exactly how dry my hand is! as well as I’d just eliminated Essie Starry Starry night so there are hints of blue polish residue.

I utilize Orly Nailtrition by applying it to my clean bare nails, letting it dry completely, then adding Orly Bonder on top as a my base coat. then I do my manicure as normal: 2 coats of polish as well as then topcoat. I tried utilizing just Nailtrition as my base coat however I discovered that my nail polish doesn’t last also without Bonder.  I’ve likewise used Nailtrition alone as my “manicure” when I was incredibly lazy ideal after Christmas holidays. It’s lightly tinted as well as supplies a pinky peach color to the nails – my coworker really complimented on me on my “nail polish” as well as asked what shade it was.

As with a lot of nail treatments, I didn’t notice results ideal away, however I started seeing enhancements by around the one month mark. I experienced zero peeling on my middle fingers, as well as then only minor peeling on my index as well as thumb. Last week, I observed that I had no new peels. Úžasný! I’ll keep utilizing this as well as report back if anything changes. This bottle will likely last me 10 months with constant utilize as well as I plan on repurchasing this, as long as it keeps working for me.

• Funguje to!
• Dries quickly
• minor tinted colour makes it appropriate for using alone

• Not great as a base coat
• Takes at least a month to produce results

Stash Hodnoty: 9/10

Do you utilize a nail strengthening treatment? Ktorý?

Updates on other job focus 10 items:
• I utilIZED The Smashbox Double Exposure kombináciu len vtedy, keď som tento týždeň, odkedy som musel urobiť čas na testovanie najnovších palety v mojom sklze, the lise waters len nudes eyeshadow kombinácie – budem skúmať tento týždeň.
• Radi by som testoval niektoré nové základy z minulého mesiaca, ako aj trochu reakcie, takže moja koža bola potešená, aby sa vrátil do Guerlain Lingerie de Peau BB krém.
• Nezabudnem na zmienku, ale som využil Muji Cut Cotton Ecru Noc, aby som eliminoval môj očný make-up

Prosím, prejdite na môj tím Colab pre ich pracovné zameranie 10 príspevku:
♦ Ingrid Curly.springsom
♦ Jodi brash postoj
♦ Šťastie štýlov s radosťou

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Ako robím moje Manicuresi realizované len nedávno, že som nikdy nehovoril presne, ako robím moje manikúra, takže je čas na liečbu. Idem cez kroky, ktoré som si vezmem, aby som pripravil nechty, ako aj ukázať nástroje, ktoré používam. Odstránenie existujúceho poľština Som zriedka bez lak na nechty, takže prvý krok beriem …
15. mája 2017in “Krása”

COLLAB: Pracovné zameranie 10New Rok, Nová spolupráca! To je jeden ďalší brainfild of Miss Ingrid (aka Curly.spring.blossom), ktorý ma priblížil k 10-týždňovým sériám blogu s názvom Job Focus 10. Koncept tejto série je zamerať sa na kozmetické výrobky, aby sa pokúsili buď využiť ich hore, Alebo im dávajte oveľa viac pozornosti: • …
18. január 2016in “Krása”

Projekt Focus 10: Guerlain Lingerie de Peau BALERT: Dnes zažívam nejaké technické ťažkosti s mojím individuálnym ID. Všetky moje pripomienky k blogom idú do ich spamových komentárov. Môžem len “ako” publikovať však žiadne z mojich komentárov. Prosím, skontrolujte v priečinku komentár Spam, aby ste zistili, či môže byť …
25. január 2016in “Krása”

Favourites Lately: early 2016

I’m baaaack.  Thanks for all the well wishes last week!  I’m about 50% better simply because it’s unavoidable for me to not be on the computer at work. I’m looking into an ergonomic assessment for my desk, and possibly doing some physio. I’ll be scaling back on my posting slightly but it’s challenging because I have so numerous backlogged posts! Here’s a post that I implied to post last week:

I waffle back and forth about doing monthly favourites but I think a quarterly list works for me. here are the items that have been standouts for me lately:

All of these items would be rated 8 out of 10 or above in my stash Worthiness!


• W7 HD foundation – random discovery due to the $20 makeup challenge – otherwise, I would not have given this another glance.  Fantastic natural-finish foundation that wears beautifully – and only $5!
• Becca Under Eye Brightening Corrector – read my review here
• Vincent Longo Water Canvas foundation – rave review here
Whenever I wear this, I have good skin days and I get compliments about how good my skin looks!

• Lise Watier simply Nudes Eyeshadow palette – review and swatches here
• Guerlain Divinora Eye liner in 03 Brun Chocolat – I haven’t talked about this on the blog yet. I’ve been going through my eyeliners to do some purging and rediscovered this. It dries matte, wears like iron and is a good brown colour (I find black to be too severe for everyday wear).

• MAC Woodwinked eye shadow – This is actually my 2nd pan of this – not because I used the other one up but I hated it originally and gave it away. I found it to be too orange on me, but I chose to give it another chance.  I’ve learned to use a putty toned transition shade to blend the edges which neutralizes the orange. This is a terrific all over lid colour – pigmented and blendable. No wonder it’s on MAC’s bestsellers list.

• Yves Rocher intense color Duo Eyeshadow in Prune & Powdery Taupe – I’ve not talked much about my love for YR on the blog yet, but this brand provides up some gems! This particular eye shadow duo is the ideal 2 shadow eye look: taupe all over and then the plum shade in the crease. I should own all of these duos.

• Nars Goulou blush – I received this as my VIB Rouge welcome gift and I was pleasantly amazed by how much I liked the rosy plum shade. offers a natural flush with a golden glowy sheen – no glitters a la Nars Orgasm!

• Annabelle Blush-On in 48 Chestnut – I own a few Annabelle blushes and while they’re all high quality, lately I’ve been reaching for this rosy shade much more frequently. I purchased this during Hauluary for 50% off. (I know the Nars and Annabelle blushes look really similar in the swatch but I promise the Annabelle is slightly cooler and deeper in real life!)

• Rimmel nude by Kate lipstick in #45 – got this when I redeemed optimum points and have been wearing it typically – it’s neutral nude shade that doesn’t make me look corpse-like. I have pigmented lips naturally and this just tones them down a notch. I might be alone in this but I really like the scent of Rimmel lipsticks (reminds me a bit of the fig scent of Estee Lauder lippies). I’m thinking of getting shade #43 which is a peachy toned nude.


• Revlon nail polish in sophisticated 905 – loved the formula and colour of this! Makes me want much more Revlon polishes.
• Paul & Joe Figue 04 – This is perfection in a bottle – terrific formula, ideal brush, beautiful packaging. This is the beginning of a new nail polish addiction.
• A England in Ascalon – This is my 2nd A England polish and the colour and formula are superb. My wish list for A England keeps growing.
• nail Balsam by Trind – As you can see from my nearly empty bottle, I love this stuff. I purchased this in Finland a few years ago and kept neglecting it. Last fall I started using it frequently and have discovered an improvement to my cuticles and overall nails. I was thrilled to find this product noted on NailPolishCanada.com but it’s been out of stock for ages. Finally, I just checked and it’s back in stock, yay!


• MAC Oval 6 brush – detailed eview here
• Trish McEvoy 37 Bronzer brush – I plan to do a review on all of the Trish McEvoy I own – they’re extremely well made. I’ve been enjoying this particular brush to use with my Nars Light Reflecting loose Powder

• Inlgot 29PO brush – This is a smaller shader brush which I choose for my eye shape, and the bristles are firmer which is ideal for laying down powders.
• Illamasqua Smoulder brush – This is ideal for smudging out liner and eye shadow along my lower lash line. I have a back up of this.
• Surratt Relevée Lash Curler – review here – the best purchase of 2016 so far!

Starostlivosť o kožu:

• Laura Mercier foundation primer Mineral – Wasn’t sure if primer is considered skincare or makeup but this is a terrific all around primer. It has gel-cream formula that sinks into the skin rapidly and helps foundation adhere and last on the skin better. I won this in a giveaway last year from Madeleine loves (thank you!) and forgot to use it until this January.
• Kiehl’s Ultra Facial cream – review here
• Sukin Micellar water – This was a Winners score and I love it! effective yet gentle, and inexpensive. I’m nearly finished this so it will make an appearance in the April trash Stash.

• Yves Rocher Comforting Anti-Wrinkle Eye cream – I received this for totally free with an online purchase ages ago. I finally opened it when I finished my Kiehl’s Midnight recovery Eye (which I use for daytime) – I wasn’t sure if I’d like this better for night or day use. turns out it’s a gel cream consistency that’s ideal for daytime. I discovered that YR repackaged this in a tube packaging now – good job!
• NeoStrata moisture Infusion Serum – my default day serum, review here
• Saje sensitive Elixir Calming Skin Serum – This was a surprise hit! I wanted a facial oil to mix with Paula’s choice Vitamin C serum. This does a fantastic job in making my skin soft and hydrated – the base oils are rosehip, grapeseed, and evening primrose.

• Clinique Take The Day Off Cleansing Balm – I’ve had this in my stash for ages and finally opened it – and wow! This is incredible for removing all traces of makeup and it doesn’t strip the skin. and you don’t need a lot per use – less than a teaspoon – this tub will last me a while.

• Rebels Refinery capital Vices Skull lipbalm in Luxuria (Passion Fruit) – I’ve neglected my eos balms in favour of this – the ingredients in this are incredible (coconut oil, beeswax) – and it’s made in Toronto! This comes in either black or this amazing neon pink – who doesn’t want a pink skull?
• Nivea Lip Butter in Blueberry blush – I got this from a pal and I’ve been using it daily – it smells like blueberry yogurt and feels very smooth.


• bath Body works Waikiki beach Coconut Ultra Shea Body cream – I won’t harp on about the scent because you know I love it, but the Ultra Shea formula is really nice. I’ve not tried this formula before – it’s a step below a body butter but much more emollient than a lotion.
• Body shop Brazil Nut Beautifying Oil – This smells like roasted caramel nuts! I’ve been a fan of the Body shop Beautifying Oils for a while – they leave the skin feeling silky and soft – the scent of this one is especially nice.
• Kiehl’s Coriander Richly Hydrating Hand cream – Kiehl’s Coriander scent is another obsession of mine – a fresh green scent which is sadly discontinued. but they bring back the scent in limited edition items from time to time – one year it was the Creme de Corps Whipped Body Butter and last year it this hand cream. I’ve never tried Kiehl’s hand creams and formula is wonderful – creates a protective layer over the hands that lasts even after washing my hands.

Whew, that’s a lot of stuff. have you tried any of my recent favourites?  What have you been liking lately?

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Rovnako ako načítanie …


Hudson’s Bay Beauty: Becca, Burberry & Vincent LongoI don’t even need to discuss myself. Kúpil som make-up. Veľa. Hudson’s Bay is Canada’s main department store – we typically just call it “The Bay”. Jeho americký ekvivalent by bol Macy. It carries all the core cosmetics brands usually found in department stores: Clinique, Clarins, Shiseido, Lancome,…
27. január 2016in “Krása”

Hauluary 2017 – make-up a skúhať, keď sa na to pozerám všetko spolu takto, myslím, že som trochu odnesený s make-upom ťahanie … ale keď si tu trochu vyzdvihnete, sa to nezdá ako Je to toľko! ,) Nebol som schopný ísť na aktuálny deň boxu …
25. január 2017in “Krása”

Najlepšie z roku 2016 DiscoviesAnd Tu je – Ako si dokážete predstaviť, snaží sa zúžiť najlepšie položky boli ťažké! Tieto položky sú pre mňa nové, ale nemusia byť nové spúšťanie v roku 2016. Tiež tieto položky nemusia byť nevyhnutne môj absolútny “svätý grál” všetkých čias – sú to jednoducho najlepšie z …
12. január 2017in “Krása”

Tarte Tartelette Tease review

I’m finally in the position to do a review on this palette, since I used it exclusive for the entire 2 weeks I was on vacation, as it was the only eye shadow product I packed with me.

The Tarte Tartelette Tease palette normally sells for $25 but I bought it during the April VIB sale for $21.25. It contains 6 shades, each weighing 0.85g for a combined total palette weight of 5.10g

Prior to this palette, I had not used much Tarte makeup. Actually, I only own the lone Tarte blush in exposed which I don’t much care for (it’s slated to be re-homed). So I was somewhat unsure about this palette.

These eye shadows are part of their Amazonian Clay range which Tarte touts as both mattifying and hydrating. Tarte offers eye shadows, blushes, mascara and foundations featuring Amazonian Clay.

This palette features 4 mattes and 2 shimmers:
• whisper – light peach (matte)
• wink- light pink nude (matte)
• crush – golden taupe (frost)
• first class – rosey taupe (shimmer)
• heartbreaker – deep yellow brown (matte)
• bff – deep cool plum (matte)

I want to commend Tarte for including a matte highlight, which isn’t very common in eye shadow palettes.

My favourite shades are (not surprisingly) first class and Crush. I prefer the finish of first class slightly more since it’s smoother and less chunky looking compared to Crush.  The shadows lasted well on my lids, with slight fading at around the 10 hour mark, but still looks good after full day of sightseeing in the hot, humid Japanese climate.

The colours in the palette lend themselves to easy eye looks and my favourite way to wear this is one of two ways:

1) lid = crush, crease = heartbreaker, transitional = wink, highlight = whisper
2) lid = first class, crease = bff, transitional = wink, highlight = whisper
Some days I just wear either of the shimmer shades on the lid, blend slightly with Wink and call it a day.

Strangely, this palette smells slightly of vanilla. I didn’t know this beforehand  and when I first started using this palette, I was puzzled as to why I suddenly smelled sweet vanilla while I was applying my eye makeup! The smell doesn’t offend me but it may bother some people.

I also love how tiny and slim the palette is, measuring only 9.8cm x 5.8cm x 1.2cm.  It is made of cardboard which isn’t the most sturdy but I had no issues when travelling. The palette is secured with a magnetic closure. I also appreciate that it contains a mirror inside.

By now, you know I like to make little tweaks to pre-made palettes. For the Tartelette Tease, I would only dial up the colour of Wink into a deeper rosey shade for the transition, like this:

In its current state, I find it too similar to Whisper – original for reference:

I’m really pleased that I brought this palette on my trip, I never felt the need for any additional colours – every thing I wanted was contained in this little gem.

The eye shadows are made in the US. In Canada, Tarte is available only at Sephora.

• long wearing formula: crease and fade-resistent formula
• pigmentovaný
• Can create complete eye look
• very compact packaging
• good value – great way to sample 6 colours
• Cruelty-free, paraben-free, mineral oil-free

• deeper matte shades are slightly powdery and drier, making them more difficult to blend
• Cardboard packaging
• Scented (unnecessary)

Stash Worthiness: 8/10

This palette was the perfect item to dip my toes into Tarte cosmetics. Do you have this palette? Are you a fan of Tarte cosmetics – please recommend your favourites to me!

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Rovnako ako načítanie …


Lise Watier simply Nudes Eyeshadow PaletteI rushed to get this review up because I just couldn’t hold off on testing this puppy out and sharing my thoughts.  The Lise Watier Simply Nudes 12-Colour Eyeshadow palette is from the variations de Nude Spring 2016 collection: I’ve neglected my project focus 10 palette (the Smashbox double Exposure) so I…
February 25, 2016In “Beauty”

Bareminerals REGAL šatníková skriňa PaletteFinally! After owning this for more than a year, I got around to trying it and now reviewing it. 😛 Although this particular palette is no longer available, I hope my review of the products will help get a sense of bareMinerals pressed products in general. I’m most familiar with…
21. februára 2017in “Krása”

Maison Jacynthe makeup LaunchI’m sure you’ve heard of this brand by now since it’s making the rounds on all the Canadian beauty blogs! 😉 I won’t bore you too much with the mythos of Maison Jacynthe (yes, there’s a real person behind the brand, Jacynthe René) as it’s been written about countless times recently…
27. október 2016in “Krása”

Sobota Surfing, 20. novembra, 2021!

návrat do roku 2017, prvý a len čas vidieť sneh
Ahoj kamarát! Dobré ráno, a šťastná sobota. Je to svižný november ráno v Novato, Kalifornii.

Je to stále skoro, ale my sme pripravení vyraziť z Dodge na niekoľko dní, zatiaľ čo Rosie a jej obľúbený pet Sitter Hold the Fort tu na kartách Cat Industries, LLC. Sme smerom k jazeru Tahoe na Frolic v snehu!


Je to viac ako desaťročie, pretože som bol na Tahoe počas zasneženého obdobia, takže by to malo byť zaujímavé. Som nenápadný studený (som viac z pláže), ale naozaj chcem, aby Connor vidieť sneh a mali by som sa v ňom zábavný zážitok. Taktiež sa teším na korčuľovanie a sánkovanie.

Ani El Hub, ani ja lyží (veľmi dobre), ale všetci by sme mohli vziať lekciu len pre zábavu …

Ako sú veci na konci klávesnice?

Tento týždeň čítanie

AHA produkty pre jasnejšie, jasnejšie kožu, v prípade, že ste premýšľali o exfolácii!

Jennifer Garner je nočná starostlivosť o pleť je $ 50. Bočná poznámka: Pre skutočné?

Ak sa stane 50k okolo, tu je, ako vytvoriť vôňu na mieru, krok za krokom.

Supermodel Iman dostane osobné.

Ako kúpiť parfumov pre iných ľudí.

Predpokladá sa, že sú to najlepšie parfumy pre citlivé nosy.

Zoznámte sa s Midsom, ucho odolnú tureckú mačku s štyrmi ušami.

Čierny piatok predaj na Nordstrom!

Lisa Eldridge vylial jej päť tajomstiev na no-make-up make-up.

Táto Kittyho meow mi pripomína môjho sladkého Boy Boy.


Dokumenty sú v.

To je tak pekné.

Rosie-predstavuje so mnou každú noc.

Koľko z týchto účesových tyčí ste v danom dni rock?


Dúfam, že sa veci daria dobre na vašom konci. Pošlite teplé vibrácie!

Vaša priateľská susedská krása,


Máj a jún 2016 Low-buy Zodpovednosť

Vzhľadom k tomu, že som vyskočil, môže byť zodpovedný príspevok, jazdím obe mesiace spolu. Poďme rekáč, v apríli som bol schopný nosiť viac ako 122,48 dolárov. Môj kombinovaný rozpočet na máj a jún bol 100 USD. Tak celkom, mal som 222,48 dolárov hrať. Pozrime sa, ako som to urobil. Po prvé, poďme si slon v miestnosti z cesty, vyliečil som veľký čas v Japonsku:

Ale v pravidlách s nízkymi kupkami, z nákupov krajín sa nepočítajú. Nevytvoril som pravidlá, ja som ich sledoval, mkay? Ale ja som urobil veľa nákupov doma, najmä pred mojou cestou …

Po prvé, ten, ktorý ma nič nestojí. Na začiatku mája som dostal svoju cenu z Rachaelu bezmocného počas sušenia:

Ešte som sa nedostal do položiek! Mali ma v mojom “fotografii” hromadu.

Tu prichádza rozbaľovacia … Posadsed Canada Objednať: $ 4.95 (len počítanie červenania ELF)

Blogger MeetUp Haul: $ 31,98 (NYX Palette, Čína Glaze a H & M Poľsky na nechty – ostatné boli darčeky / non-make-up)

Lancôme Haul: $ 117

Avon Objednávka: $ 39.93 (len make-up položky, nie starostlivosť o pleť)

Body Shop Flash Predaj a Clearing Haul: $ 45.50 (LAKEUP POLOŽKY LEN, NIE POTREBA

Víťazi nájde: 192,80 dolárov (len make-up položky, nie starostlivosť o pleť)

My Sub-Celkom tak … $ 432.16!

Potom som si kúpil príliš tváre narodený týmto spôsobom navyše žiarivý korekčný technik vo svetle, pretože mali ukážku náhľadu na udalosti v Toronte Eaton Center. To, čo som predal, bol som, ako dôkladné a informované Mua bolo – poradila, že som mal na sebe korektor, ktorý bol príliš broskyne (ona bola schopná uhádnuť, akú farbu som mal na sebe v NARS sálavý krémový korektor – puding) a že som bol Pomocou prílišného produktu.

Tiež som dostal veľkosť vzorky kocovného priméru. Concealer ma nastavil späť 32 dolárov.

Grand Celkom na máj a jún: $ 464.16! Overím viac ako dvojnásobok môjho rozpočtu! Môj najviac vinný nákup bol určite neplánovaný Lancôme One … a pravdepodobne by som si nemal kúpiť všetky tie lakty na nechty. Môj rozpočet na júl do septembra je 50 dolárov za mesiac. A potom skočí na 200 dolárov v októbri. Hádajte, kto nekupuje make-up na ďalšie 3 mesiace!

Takže moja rozpočtová zostatok je na-$ 241.68 (áno, som v červenej farbe!)
July: $50 (gone), new balance = -$191.68
Aug: $50 (gone), new balance = -$141.68
Sept: $50 (gone), new balance = -$91.68
Oct: $200 (partially consumed), new balance = $108.32

I’ll be able to shop for makeup once again come October, and I’ve dipped into that $200 budget by $91.68, leaving me with $108.32. *sigh* I have nobody to blame but myself! how has your makeup shopping been lately?

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November 2017 No-Buy-Low-Buy AccountabilityIt’s been a while since I last did an update on my shopping accountability – the last one was way back in August, actually! That was to cover June and July spending, so that means I haven’t talked about how August to October went. Tí 3 mesiace boli moje no-buys …
14. decembra 2017in “Krása”

November 2016 Low-buy účtovnosti. November Low-Kúpiť bol skôr ako go-kúpiť … myslím, čo som čakal? Sephora VIB sale and Black Friday – why did they have to be together in the same month? I also bought some stuff from Winners and Avon. : Oops: Sephora Vib Predaj Haul Počítanie iba make-up položky, s …
6. decembra 2016in “Krása”

Favourites Lately: Late 2016This year I decided to do quarterly favourites so I’ve had lists for early 2016 (covering January to March) and mid-year (covering April to June), and now I’m showing my third quarterly favourites to cover July to September: It’s mostly summery products but a little bit of autumn is creeping in……
26. október 2016in “Krása”